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2022-11-26 01:22:02 +00:00
declare module 'resonance-audio' {
namespace ResonanceAudio {
/** Options for constructing a new ResonanceAudio scene */
interface Options {
/** Desired ambisonic Order */
ambisonicOrder?: number;
/** The listener's initial position (in meters), where origin is the center of
* the room */
listenerPosition?: Float32Array;
/** The listener's initial forward vector */
listenerForward?: Float32Array;
/** The listener's initial up vector */
listenerUp?: Float32Array;
/** Room dimensions (in meters) */
dimensions?: Utils.RoomDimensions;
/** Named acoustic materials per wall */
materials?: Utils.RoomMaterials;
/** (in meters/second) */
speedOfSound?: number;
/** Main class for managing sources, room and listener models */
class ResonanceAudio {
/** Binaurally-rendered stereo (2-channel) output */
output: AudioNode;
/** Ambisonic (multichannel) input */
ambisonicInput: AudioNode;
/** Ambisonic (multichannel) output */
ambisonicOutput: AudioNode;
constructor(context: AudioContext, options?: ResonanceAudio.Options);
* Create a new source for the scene.
* @param options
* Options for constructing a new Source.
createSource(options?: Source.Options): Source;
* Set the scene's desired ambisonic order.
* @param ambisonicOrder Desired ambisonic order.
setAmbisonicOrder(ambisonicOrder: any): void;
* Set the room's dimensions and wall materials.
* @param dimensions Room dimensions (in meters).
* @param materials Named acoustic materials per wall.
setRoomProperties(dimensions: Utils.RoomDimensions, materials: Utils.RoomMaterials): void;
* Set the listener's position (in meters), where origin is the center of
* the room.
setListenerPosition(x: number, y: number, z: number): any;
/** Set the source's orientation using forward and up vectors. */
setOrientation(forwardX: number, forwardY: number, forwardZ: number, upX: number, upY: number, upZ: number): void;
* Set the listener's position and orientation using a Three.js Matrix4 object.
* @param matrix
* The Three.js Matrix4 object representing the listener's world transform.
setListenerFromMatrix(matrix4: Float32Array): void;
* Set the speed of sound.
setSpeedOfSound(speedOfSound: number): void;
namespace Source {
/** Options for constructing a new Source. */
interface Options {
/** The source's initial position (in meters), where origin is the center of
* the room */
position?: Float32Array;
/** The source's initial forward vector */
forward?: Float32Array;
/** The source's initial up vector */
up?: Float32Array;
/** Min. distance (in meters) */
minDistance?: number;
/** Max. distance (in meters) */
maxDistance?: number;
/** Rolloff model to use */
rolloff?: string;
/** Input gain (linear) */
gain?: number;
/** Directivity alpha */
alpha?: number;
/** Directivity sharpness */
sharpness?: number;
/** Source width (in degrees). Where 0 degrees is a point source and 360 degrees
* is an omnidirectional source */
sourceWidth?: number;
* Source model to spatialize an audio buffer.
class Source {
constructor(scene: ResonanceAudio, options?: Source.Options);
/** Mono (1-channel) input */
input: AudioNode;
* Set source's position (in meters), where origin is the center of
* the room.
setPosition(x: number, y: number, z: number): void;
/** Set source's rolloff. */
setRolloff(rolloff: string): void;
/** Set source's minimum distance (in meters). */
setMinDistance(minDistance: number): void;
/** Set source's maximum distance (in meters). */
setMaxDistance(maxDistance: number): void;
/** Set source's gain (linear). */
setGain(gain: number): void;
/** Set the source's orientation using forward and up vectors. */
setOrientation(forwardX: number, forwardY: number, forwardZ: number, upX: number, upY: number, upZ: number): void;
/** Set source's position and orientation using a
* Three.js modelViewMatrix object */
setFromMatrix(matrix4: Float32Array): void;
/** Set the source width (in degrees). Where 0 degrees is a point source and 360
* degrees is an omnidirectional source */
setSourceWidth(sourceWidth: number): void;
* Set source's directivity pattern (defined by alpha), where 0 is an
* omnidirectional pattern, 1 is a bidirectional pattern, 0.5 is a cardiod
* pattern. The sharpness of the pattern is increased exponentially
* @param alpha
* Determines directivity pattern (0 to 1).
* @param sharpness
* Determines the sharpness of the directivity pattern (1 to Inf).
setDirectivityPattern(alpha: number, sharpness: number): void;
namespace Room {
interface Options {
/** The listener's initial position (in meters), where origin is the center of
* the room */
listenerPosition?: Float32Array;
/** Room dimensions (in meters) */
dimensions?: Utils.RoomDimensions;
/** Named acoustic materials per wall */
materials?: Utils.RoomMaterials;
/** (in meters/second) */
speedOfSound?: number;
* Model that manages early and late reflections using acoustic
* properties and listener position relative to a rectangular room.
class Room {
constructor(context: AudioContext, options?: Room.Options);
* Set the room's dimensions and wall materials.
* @param dimensions Room dimensions (in meters)
* @param materials Named acoustic materials per wall
setProperties(dimensions: Utils.RoomDimensions, materials: Utils.RoomMaterials): void;
* Set the listener's position (in meters), where origin is the center of
* the room.
setListenerPosition(x: number, y: number, z: number): void;
* Compute distance outside room of provided position (in meters).
* @return
* Distance outside room (in meters). Returns 0 if inside room.
getDistanceOutsideRoom(x: number, y: number, z: number): number;
namespace Listener {
interface Options {
/** Desired ambisonic order */
ambisonicOrder: number;
/** Initial position (in meters), where origin is the center of
* the room */
position?: Float32Array;
/** The listener's initial forward vector */
forward?: Float32Array;
/** The listener's initial up vector */
up?: Float32Array;
/** Listener model to spatialize sources in an environment */
class Listener {
/** Position (in meters) */
position: Float32Array;
/** Ambisonic (multichannel) input */
input: AudioNode;
/** Binaurally-rendered stereo (2-channel) output */
output: AudioNode;
/** Ambisonic (multichannel) output */
ambisonicOutput: AudioNode;
* Set the listener's orientation using forward and up vectors.
setOrientation(forwardX: number, forwardY: number, forwardZ: number, upX: number, upY: number, upZ: number): void;
/** Set listener's position and orientation using a
* Three.js modelViewMatrix object */
setFromMatrix(matrix4: Float32Array): void;
namespace Utils {
/** Properties describing the geometry of a room. */
interface RoomDimensions {
width: number;
height: number;
depth: number;
/** Properties describing the wall materials */
interface RoomMaterials {
left: string;
right: string;
front: string;
back: string;
down: string;
up: string;