CharacterCustomizationMenuPatches now reads descriptions of appearance options (thanks @JJpanSai for writing the descriptions!)
Descriptions are stored in assets/new-character-appearance-descriptions.json. If file can't be found or is corrupted, fallback on old behavior of just reading numbers. Functions support a `lessInfo` variable that also turns off the descriptions, though the config option is not yet implemented.master
@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
using System.Text.Json;
using StardewValley;
using StardewValley.Menus;
using static stardew_access.Features.Utils;
namespace stardew_access.Patches
@ -7,28 +9,69 @@ namespace stardew_access.Patches
private static bool isRunning = false;
private static int saveGameIndex = -1;
public static string characterCreationMenuQueryKey = " ";
public static string prevPants = " ";
public static string prevShirt = " ";
public static string prevHair = " ";
public static string prevAccessory = " ";
public static string prevSkin = " ";
public static string prevEyeColor = " ";
public static string prevEyeColorHue = " ";
public static string prevEyeColorSaturation = " ";
public static string prevEyeColorValue = " ";
public static string prevHairColor = " ";
public static string prevHairColorHue = " ";
public static string prevHairColorSaturation = " ";
public static string prevHairColorValue = " ";
public static string prevPantsColor = " ";
public static string prevPantsColorHue = " ";
public static string prevPantsColorSaturation = " ";
public static string prevPantsColorValue = " ";
public static string prevPetName = " ";
public static bool characterDesignToggle = false;
public static bool characterDesignToggleShouldSpeak = true;
public static ClickableComponent? currentComponent = null;
private static string characterCreationMenuQueryKey = " ";
private static string prevPants = " ";
private static string prevShirt = " ";
private static string prevHair = " ";
private static string prevAccessory = " ";
private static string prevSkin = " ";
private static string prevEyeColor = " ";
private static string prevEyeColorHue = " ";
private static string prevEyeColorSaturation = " ";
private static string prevEyeColorValue = " ";
private static string prevHairColor = " ";
private static string prevHairColorHue = " ";
private static string prevHairColorSaturation = " ";
private static string prevHairColorValue = " ";
private static string prevPantsColor = " ";
private static string prevPantsColorHue = " ";
private static string prevPantsColorSaturation = " ";
private static string prevPantsColorValue = " ";
private static string prevPet = " ";
private static bool characterDesignToggle = false;
private static bool characterDesignToggleShouldSpeak = true;
private static ClickableComponent? currentComponent = null;
private static Dictionary<string, Dictionary<int, string>> descriptions
if (_descriptions == null)
_descriptions = LoadDescriptionJson();
return _descriptions;
private static Dictionary<string, Dictionary<int, string>>? _descriptions;
private static Dictionary<string, Dictionary<int, string>> LoadDescriptionJson()
MainClass.DebugLog("Attempting to load json");
JsonElement jsonElement = LoadJsonFile("new-character-appearance-descriptions.json");
if (jsonElement.ValueKind == JsonValueKind.Undefined)
return new Dictionary<string, Dictionary<int, string>>();
Dictionary<string, Dictionary<int, string>> result = new Dictionary<string, Dictionary<int, string>>();
foreach (JsonProperty category in jsonElement.EnumerateObject())
Dictionary<int, string> innerDictionary = new Dictionary<int, string>();
foreach (JsonProperty item in category.Value.EnumerateObject())
int index = int.Parse(item.Name);
innerDictionary[index] = item.Value.GetString() ?? "";
result[category.Name] = innerDictionary;
MainClass.InfoLog($"Loaded key '{category.Name}' with {innerDictionary.Count} entries in the sub dictionary.");
return result;
internal static void DrawPatch(CharacterCustomization __instance, bool ___skipIntro,
ClickableComponent ___startingCabinsLabel, ClickableComponent ___difficultyModifierLabel, TextBox ___nameBox,
@ -126,7 +169,7 @@ namespace stardew_access.Patches
private static string getChangesToSpeak(CharacterCustomization __instance)
string toSpeak = "";
string currentPetName = GetCurrentPetName();
string currentPet = GetCurrentPet();
string currentSkin = GetCurrentSkin();
string currentHair = GetCurrentHair();
string currentShirt = GetCurrentShirt();
@ -339,11 +382,11 @@ namespace stardew_access.Patches
if (prevPetName != currentPetName)
if (prevPet != currentPet)
prevPetName = currentPetName;
if (currentPetName != "")
toSpeak = $"{toSpeak} \n Current Pet: {currentPetName}";
prevPet = currentPet;
if (currentPet != "")
toSpeak = $"{toSpeak} \n Current Pet: {currentPet}";
return toSpeak.Trim();
@ -693,36 +736,68 @@ namespace stardew_access.Patches
// Most values (exception noted below) are 0 indexed internally but visually start from 1. Thus we increment before returning.
private static string GetCurrentPetName()
private static string GetCurrentPet(bool lessInfo = false)
if (currentComponent != null && == "Pet")
return ((Game1.player.catPerson) ? "Cat" : "Dog") + " Breed: " + Game1.player.whichPetBreed;
return "";
int whichPetBreed = Game1.player.whichPetBreed + 1;
private static string GetCurrentAttributeValue(string componentName, Func<int> getValue)
if (currentComponent != null && (currentComponent.myID == 507 || == componentName))
return $"{componentName}: {getValue()}";
if (!lessInfo)
string petType = Game1.player.catPerson ? "Cat" : "Dog";
if (descriptions.TryGetValue(petType, out var innerDict) && innerDict.TryGetValue(whichPetBreed, out var description))
return description;
MainClass.ErrorLog($"Warning: Description for {petType} with index {whichPetBreed} not found in the dictionary.");
return $"{(Game1.player.catPerson ? "Cat" : "Dog")} #{whichPetBreed + 1}";
return "";
private static string GetCurrentSkin() => GetCurrentAttributeValue("Skin", () => + 1);
private static string GetCurrentAttributeValue(string componentName, Func<int> getValue, bool lessInfo = false)
if (currentComponent != null && (currentComponent.myID == 507 || == componentName))
int index = getValue();
private static string GetCurrentHair() => GetCurrentAttributeValue("Hair", () => + 1);
if (!lessInfo)
if (descriptions.TryGetValue(componentName, out var innerDict))
if (innerDict.TryGetValue(index, out var description))
return description;
MainClass.ErrorLog($"Warning: Description for {componentName} with index {index} not found in the inner dictionary.");
MainClass.ErrorLog($"Warning: Description for {componentName} not found in the outer dictionary.");
return $"{componentName}: {index}";
return "";
private static string GetCurrentShirt() => GetCurrentAttributeValue("Shirt", () => Game1.player.shirt.Value + 1);
private static string GetCurrentSkin(bool lessInfo = false) => GetCurrentAttributeValue("Skin", () => + 1, lessInfo);
private static string GetCurrentPants() => GetCurrentAttributeValue("Pants Style", () => Game1.player.pants.Value + 1);
private static string GetCurrentHair(bool lessInfo = false) => GetCurrentAttributeValue("Hair", () => + 1, lessInfo);
private static string GetCurrentAccessory() => GetCurrentAttributeValue("Acc", () => Game1.player.accessory.Value + 2);
private static string GetCurrentShirt(bool lessInfo = false) => GetCurrentAttributeValue("Shirt", () => Game1.player.shirt.Value + 1, lessInfo);
private static string GetCurrentPants(bool lessInfo = false) => GetCurrentAttributeValue("Pants Style", () => Game1.player.pants.Value + 1, lessInfo);
private static string GetCurrentAccessory(bool lessInfo = false) => GetCurrentAttributeValue("Accessory", () => Game1.player.accessory.Value + 2, lessInfo);
private static string GetCurrentColorAttributeValue(string componentName, int minID, int maxID, Func<string> getValue)
@ -0,0 +1,256 @@
"Cat": {
"1": "Orange cat",
"2": "Gray Tabby cat with white belly",
"3": "Yellow cat with purple collar"
"Dog": {
"1": "Golden-brown Hound with blue collar",
"2": "Brown Shepherd",
"3": "Tan body, brown eared, long furred terrier"
"Skin": {
"1": "Pale, beige undertone",
"2": "Tan, pink undertone",
"3": "Pale, pink undertone",
"4": "Pale",
"5": "Brown, red undertone",
"6": "Brown, pink undertone",
"7": "Brown, warm tone",
"8": "Beige, orange undertone",
"9": "Light Brown",
"10": "Pale, pink overtone",
"11": "Pale, grey undertone",
"12": "Tan, warm tone",
"13": "Pale Green",
"14": "Pale Fuchsia",
"15": "Brown, full tone",
"16": "Tan, red overtone",
"17": "Pale Blue",
"18": "Green",
"19": "Pale Red",
"20": "Pale Purple",
"21": "Yellow, full tone",
"22": "Gray",
"23": "Pale, yellow undertone",
"24": "Pale, ivory undertone"
"Hair": {
"1": "Right-side part, short and unkempt",
"2": "Middle-part, six inches length",
"3": "Left-side part, swept bangs, combed back",
"4": "Afro",
"5": "Right-side part, unkempt with bangs",
"6": "Shaved back and sides",
"7": "Right-part open pompadour, chin length",
"8": "Right-part, short and combed back",
"9": "Right-part with bangs, large wayward spikes",
"10": "Right-part, side bob",
"11": "Pompadour, short and combed back",
"12": "Short with faded sides, combed back",
"13": "Middle-part, low ponytail",
"14": "Wayward dreads, six inches length, undershave",
"15": "Left-part with long bang, combed back",
"16": "Middle-part, 4 inches length, undercut",
"17": "Right-part, high ponytail, swept bangs",
"18": "Right-side part, shoulder length, low pigtails",
"19": "Right-side part, short with long swept bangs",
"20": "Updo, three tight buns on top of head",
"21": "Short and combed",
"22": "Right-side part, short, high pigtails",
"23": "Right-side part with bangs, tight high bun",
"24": "Right-side part with bangs, unkempt, six inches",
"25": "Right-side part, swept bangs, mid-back length",
"26": "Fifties style, teased, curly ended bob",
"27": "Middle-part, thigh-length",
"28": "Right-side part, swept bangs, chin length",
"29": "Middle-part, waist length, low ponytail",
"30": "Waist length with bangs, straight, tapered ends",
"31": "Right-side part with bangs, low pigtails",
"32": "Dual twisted side-buns, Princess Leia style",
"33": "Right-side part, swept bangs, short",
"34": "Right-side part, hip-length, pigtail braids",
"35": "Right-side part, mid-back length, pigtail braids",
"36": "High ponytail, mini bangs",
"37": "Middle-part, swept over right shoulder",
"38": "Right side part with bangs, high pigtails",
"39": "Black hairband, chin length",
"40": "Black hairband with bangs, shoulder length",
"41": "Left-side part, loose curls, shoulder length",
"42": "Shoulder length with mini bangs, curly",
"43": "Long on top with highlights, combed back",
"44": "Right-side part, swept bangs, short",
"45": "Middle-part, fade with 4 inches on top",
"46": "Cornrows, chin length",
"47": "Left-side part, short and combed",
"48": "Middle-part, swept bangs, chin length",
"49": "Middle-part, unkempt, partial ponytail",
"50": "Liberty spike style, shaved sides",
"51": "Donut cut, shoulder length",
"52": "Donut cut, short",
"53": "Bald or shaved",
"54": "Shaved, half-inch length, widow's peak",
"55": "Shaved, half-inch length, unkempt",
"56": "Shaved, half-inch length, straight hairline",
"101": "Left-side part with bangs, wavy, waist length",
"102": "Right-side part, hip-length, curly",
"103": "Right-side part, waist length, straight",
"104": "Middle-part, waist length, low ponytail",
"105": "Middle-part, waist length, high braid",
"106": "Right-side part with bangs, swept to shoulder",
"107": "Right-side part, unkempt, swept to shoulder",
"108": "Bob with bangs",
"109": "Left-side part, short, combed",
"110": "Wavy with bangs, 8 inches",
"111": "Wavy with bangs, shoulder length",
"112": "Dreads, neat, 4 inches length",
"113": "Short and unkempt",
"114": "Middle-part, six inches length",
"115": "Right-side part, shoulder length, unkempt",
"116": "Middle-part, teased, shoulder length",
"117": "Middle-part with bangs, short",
"118": "Left-side part with bangs, unkempt, short"
"Shirt": {
"1": "Red, denim overalls",
"2": "Brown button up",
"3": "Light Green, brown belt",
"4": "Black, gray splat design",
"5": "Black skull design",
"6": "Blue Gray, cloud design",
"7": "Cream, light blue horizontal stripe",
"8": "Green, denim overalls",
"9": "Yellow, brown horizontal zig zag",
"10": "Blue Green, cloud design",
"11": "Black, white letter A",
"12": "Green, collar cinches",
"13": "Lime Green, green stripes",
"14": "Red, white horizontal stripes",
"15": "Black, white ribcage design",
"16": "Brown, Tan, Light Brown stripes",
"17": "Blue, yellow dots",
"18": "Green, brown suspenders",
"19": "Brown jacket, Gray tee",
"20": "White, blue kerchief",
"21": "Green tank, Gray tee",
"22": "Ochre, green horizontal stripe",
"23": "Red button up",
"24": "Green button up",
"25": "Light Blue button up",
"26": "Blue button up",
"27": "Sea Green, horizontal white stripe",
"28": "Purple, light equal sign design",
"29": "Black, purple heart design",
"30": "White vertical gradient",
"31": "Brown jacket, Black shirt",
"32": "Brown Gray, angled button up",
"33": "Red, brown belt",
"34": "Green, strung collar",
"35": "Green bodice, gold belt, brown sleeves",
"36": "Red, white collar, buttoned",
"37": "Light Purple, zippered",
"38": "Gray to Black vertical gradient",
"39": "White, wide collar",
"40": "Sea Green and Brown stripes",
"41": "Purple vertical gradient",
"42": "White, horizontal cream stripe",
"43": "Green vertical gradient, belt",
"44": "Blue vertical gradient",
"45": "Blue, strung collar, white spot",
"46": "Brown vertical gradient",
"47": "Purple Vertical Gradient",
"48": "Brown, silver belt",
"49": "Black, gray bat design",
"50": "Light Purple, purple stripe",
"51": "Light Pink tank, purple shirt",
"52": "Pink tank, light purple tee",
"53": "Purple, vertical rainbow column",
"54": "Black, green belt",
"55": "Sea Green, white shoulder stripe",
"56": "Red, horizontal yellow stripe",
"57": "Lime Green, wide collar",
"58": "White and Gray stripes, red vest",
"59": "Blue, light blue shoulder stripe",
"60": "Ochre, yellow shoulder stripe",
"61": "Blue, wide collar",
"62": "Tan, stripes and dots",
"63": "Blue, white collar and stripe",
"64": "Red, silver collar",
"65": "Patchwork Blue",
"66": "Green, white undershirt",
"67": "Gray, mouse face design",
"68": "Yellow, low overalls",
"69": "Light Green, upper frog face",
"70": "Green, brown belt",
"71": "Fuchsia, light purple stripe",
"72": "White, denim overalls, brown belt",
"73": "Cream crop hoodie, blue tank",
"74": "Dark Blue and Purple horizontal split",
"75": "Blue, red overalls, brown belt",
"76": "Black, green mushroom cloud design",
"77": "Light Purple, brown belt",
"78": "White, tongue out frowny face",
"79": "Purple, white kerchief",
"80": "Black, blue overalls",
"81": "Gray, white shoulder stripe",
"82": "Green, light green waist stripe",
"83": "Dark Blue",
"84": "Black, wide collar",
"85": "Black",
"86": "Red, button up, open neck",
"87": "Teal, brown suspenders",
"88": "White button up, red kerchief",
"89": "Yellow, green vest",
"90": "Purple Bowling Style",
"91": "Black Hoodie",
"92": "Green, collared, white kerchief",
"93": "Pink, light pink shoulder stripe",
"94": "White, black spots",
"95": "Brown, red and yellow tie",
"96": "Yellow, black eyes with blush",
"97": "Green, dark green spots",
"98": "Gray, button up, dark vertical stripe",
"99": "Black peacoat, white shirt collar",
"100": "Purple, black overalls",
"101": "Light Blue, horizontal dark stripe",
"102": "Black, white front",
"103": "Canvas, blond leather belt",
"104": "Gray stripes, black overalls",
"105": "Green and Teal stripes",
"106": "Blue, white letter J",
"107": "Green and Black Horizontal split",
"108": "Fuchsia, white shoulder stripe",
"109": "Brown Orange",
"110": "Purple button up, dark vertical stripe",
"111": "Brown button up, dark vertical stripe",
"112": "Olive green, dark vertical stripe"
"Pants Style": {
"1": "Long",
"2": "Shorts",
"3": "Long Skirt",
"4": "Skirt"
"Accessory": {
"1": "Blank",
"2": "Full beard and mustache",
"3": "Full mustache",
"4": "Full mustache wrinkles",
"5": "Goatee",
"6": "Mutton chops",
"7": "Full beard and mustache, untrimmed",
"8": "Gold earrings",
"9": "Turquoise earrings",
"10": "Black full-frame glasses",
"11": "Lipstick",
"12": "Top-frame glasses",
"13": "Bushy eyebrows",
"14": "Robo-visor",
"15": "Circular black frame glasses",
"16": "Red necklace",
"17": "Black sunglasses",
"18": "Blue necklace",
"19": "Gray sunglasses",
"20": "Orange beak"
Reference in New Issue