Finish adding documentation (with Chat GPT's help) and refactoring TileInfo.cs.
Reduced code duplication with helper functions where possible. Optimized and simplified `getNameWithCategoryAtTile`.master
@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ namespace stardew_access.Features
var currentLocation = Game1.currentLocation;
bool isColliding = TileInfo.isCollidingAtTile(x, y, currentLocation);
bool isColliding = TileInfo.IsCollidingAtTile(x, y, currentLocation);
(string? name, string? category) info = TileInfo.getNameWithCategoryNameAtTile(tile, currentLocation);
@ -50,213 +50,167 @@ namespace stardew_access.Features
currentLocation ??= Game1.currentLocation;
int x = (int)tile.X;
int y = (int)tile.Y;
string? toReturn = null;
CATEGORY? category = CATEGORY.Others;
// Commented out; this call takes ~30 ms by itself and is usually not used.
// Called directly only in the if conditional where it is used.
//bool isColliding = isCollidingAtTile(x, y, currentLocation);
var terrainFeature = currentLocation.terrainFeatures.FieldDict;
string? door = getDoorAtTile(x, y, currentLocation);
string? warp = getWarpPointAtTile(x, y, currentLocation);
(string? name, CATEGORY? category) dynamicTile = DynamicTiles.GetDynamicTileAt(x, y, currentLocation, lessInfo);
string? junimoBundle = getJunimoBundleAt(x, y, currentLocation);
string? resourceClump = getResourceClumpAtTile(x, y, currentLocation, lessInfo);
string? farmAnimal = getFarmAnimalAt(currentLocation, x, y);
(string? name, CATEGORY category) staticTile = StaticTiles.GetStaticTileInfoAtWithCategory(x, y, currentLocation.Name);
string? bush = GetBushAtTile(x, y, currentLocation, lessInfo);
if (currentLocation.isCharacterAtTile(tile) is NPC npc)
toReturn = npc.displayName;
if (npc.isVillager() || npc.CanSocialize)
category = CATEGORY.Farmers;
category = CATEGORY.NPCs;
CATEGORY category = npc.isVillager() || npc.CanSocialize ? CATEGORY.Farmers : CATEGORY.NPCs;
return (npc.displayName, category);
else if (farmAnimal is not null)
string? farmAnimal = getFarmAnimalAt(currentLocation, x, y);
if (farmAnimal is not null)
toReturn = farmAnimal;
category = CATEGORY.FarmAnimals;
return (farmAnimal, CATEGORY.FarmAnimals);
else if ( != null)
(string? name, CATEGORY category) staticTile = StaticTiles.GetStaticTileInfoAtWithCategory(x, y, currentLocation.Name);
if ( != null)
toReturn =;
category = staticTile.category;
return (, staticTile.category);
else if ( != null)
(string? name, CATEGORY? category) dynamicTile = DynamicTiles.GetDynamicTileAt(x, y, currentLocation, lessInfo);
if ( != null)
toReturn =;
category = dynamicTile.category;
return (, dynamicTile.category);
else if (currentLocation.isObjectAtTile(x, y))
if (currentLocation.isObjectAtTile(x, y))
(string? name, CATEGORY? category) obj = getObjectAtTile(x, y, currentLocation, lessInfo);
toReturn =;
category = obj.category;
else if (currentLocation.isWaterTile(x, y) && !lessInfo && isCollidingAtTile(x, y, currentLocation))
toReturn = "Water";
category = CATEGORY.WaterTiles;
else if (resourceClump != null)
toReturn = resourceClump;
category = CATEGORY.ResourceClumps;
else if (terrainFeature.ContainsKey(tile))
(string? name, CATEGORY category) tf = getTerrainFeatureAtTile(terrainFeature[tile]);
string? terrain =;
if (terrain != null)
toReturn = terrain;
category = tf.category;
return (, obj.category);
else if (bush != null)
if (currentLocation.isWaterTile(x, y) && !lessInfo && IsCollidingAtTile(x, y, currentLocation))
toReturn = bush;
category = CATEGORY.Bush;
else if (warp != null)
toReturn = warp;
category = CATEGORY.Doors;
else if (door != null)
toReturn = door;
category = CATEGORY.Doors;
else if (isMineDownLadderAtTile(x, y, currentLocation))
toReturn = "Ladder";
category = CATEGORY.Doors;
else if (isShaftAtTile(x, y, currentLocation))
toReturn = "Shaft";
category = CATEGORY.Doors;
else if (isMineUpLadderAtTile(x, y, currentLocation))
toReturn = "Up Ladder";
category = CATEGORY.Doors;
else if (isElevatorAtTile(x, y, currentLocation))
toReturn = "Elevator";
category = CATEGORY.Doors;
else if (junimoBundle != null)
toReturn = junimoBundle;
category = CATEGORY.JunimoBundle;
return ("Water", CATEGORY.WaterTiles);
#region Track dropped items
string? resourceClump = getResourceClumpAtTile(x, y, currentLocation, lessInfo);
if (resourceClump != null)
return (resourceClump, CATEGORY.ResourceClumps);
if (terrainFeature.TryGetValue(tile, out var tf))
(string? name, CATEGORY category) terrain = getTerrainFeatureAtTile(tf);
if ( != null)
return (, terrain.category);
string? bush = GetBushAtTile(x, y, currentLocation, lessInfo);
if (bush != null)
return (bush, CATEGORY.Bush);
string? door = getDoorAtTile(x, y, currentLocation);
string? warp = getWarpPointAtTile(x, y, currentLocation);
if (warp != null || door != null)
return (warp ?? door, CATEGORY.Doors);
string? junimoBundle = GetJunimoBundleAt(x, y, currentLocation);
if (junimoBundle != null)
return (junimoBundle, CATEGORY.JunimoBundle);
// Track dropped items
if (MainClass.Config.TrackDroppedItems)
NetCollection<Debris> droppedItems = currentLocation.debris;
int droppedItemsCount = droppedItems.Count;
if (droppedItemsCount > 0)
foreach (var item in currentLocation.debris)
for (int i = 0; i < droppedItemsCount; i++)
var item = droppedItems[i];
int xPos = ((int)item.Chunks[0].position.Value.X / Game1.tileSize) + 1;
int yPos = ((int)item.Chunks[0].position.Value.Y / Game1.tileSize) + 1;
if (xPos != x || yPos != y) continue;
if (item.item == null) continue;
if (xPos != x || yPos != y || item.item == null) continue;
string name = item.item.DisplayName;
int count = item.item.Stack;
if (toReturn is null)
return ($"Dropped Item: {count} {name}", CATEGORY.DroppedItems);
toReturn = $"{toReturn}, Dropped Item: {count} {name}";
item = null;
catch (Exception e)
MainClass.ErrorLog($"An error occured while detecting dropped items:\n{e.Message}");
MainClass.ErrorLog($"An error occurred while detecting dropped items:\n{e.Message}");
return (toReturn, category);
return (null, CATEGORY.Others);
/// <summary>
/// Gets the bush at the specified tile coordinates in the provided GameLocation.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="x">The x-coordinate of the tile to check.</param>
/// <param name="y">The y-coordinate of the tile to check.</param>
/// <param name="currentLocation">The GameLocation instance to search for bushes.</param>
/// <param name="lessInfo">Whether to return less information about the bush.</param>
/// <returns>A string describing the bush if one is found at the specified coordinates, otherwise null.</returns>
public static string? GetBushAtTile(int x, int y, GameLocation currentLocation, bool lessInfo = false)
string? toReturn = null;
Bush? bush = (Bush)currentLocation.getLargeTerrainFeatureAt(x, y);
if (bush is null)
return null;
if (lessInfo && (bush.tilePosition.Value.X != x || bush.tilePosition.Value.Y != y))
if (bush is null || (lessInfo && (bush.tilePosition.Value.X != x || bush.tilePosition.Value.Y != y)))
return null;
int size = bush.size.Value;
if (!bush.townBush.Value && bush.tileSheetOffset.Value == 1 && bush.inBloom(Game1.GetSeasonForLocation(currentLocation), Game1.dayOfMonth))
string season = bush.overrideSeason.Value == -1 ? Game1.GetSeasonForLocation(currentLocation) : Utility.getSeasonNameFromNumber(bush.overrideSeason.Value);
int shakeOff = season switch
"spring" => 296,
"fall" => 410,
_ => -1
#region Check if bush is harvestable or not
if (!bush.townBush.Value && (int)bush.tileSheetOffset.Value == 1 && bush.inBloom(Game1.GetSeasonForLocation(currentLocation), Game1.dayOfMonth))
shakeOff = bush.size.Value switch
// Taken from the game's code
string season = ((int)bush.overrideSeason.Value == -1) ? Game1.GetSeasonForLocation(currentLocation) : Utility.getSeasonNameFromNumber(bush.overrideSeason.Value);
int shakeOff = -1;
if (!(season == "spring"))
if (season == "fall")
shakeOff = 410;
shakeOff = 296;
if ((int)size == 3)
shakeOff = 815;
if ((int)size == 4)
shakeOff = 73;
3 => 815,
4 => 73,
_ => shakeOff
if (shakeOff == -1)
return null;
toReturn = "Harvestable";
if (bush.townBush.Value)
toReturn = $"{toReturn} Town Bush";
else if (bush.greenhouseBush.Value)
toReturn = $"{toReturn} Greenhouse Bush";
toReturn = $"{toReturn} Bush";
return toReturn;
return bush.townBush.Value
? "Harvestable Town Bush"
: bush.greenhouseBush.Value
? "Harvestable Greenhouse Bush"
: "Harvestable Bush";
public static string? getJunimoBundleAt(int x, int y, GameLocation currentLocation)
return bush.townBush.Value
? "Town Bush"
: bush.greenhouseBush.Value
? "Greenhouse Bush"
: "Bush";
/// <summary>
/// Determines if there is a Junimo bundle at the specified tile coordinates in the provided GameLocation.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="x">The x-coordinate of the tile to check.</param>
/// <param name="y">The y-coordinate of the tile to check.</param>
/// <param name="currentLocation">The GameLocation instance to search for Junimo bundles.</param>
/// <returns>The name of the Junimo bundle if one is found at the specified coordinates, otherwise null.</returns>
public static string? GetJunimoBundleAt(int x, int y, GameLocation currentLocation)
string? name;
if (currentLocation is CommunityCenter communityCenter)
name = (x, y) switch
// Determine the name of the bundle based on the tile coordinates
string? name = (x, y) switch
(14, 5) => "Pantry",
(14, 23) => "Crafts Room",
@ -266,66 +220,85 @@ namespace stardew_access.Features
(46, 12) => "Bulletin Board",
_ => null,
// If a bundle name is found and a note should appear in the area, return the bundle name
if (name is not null && communityCenter.shouldNoteAppearInArea(CommunityCenter.getAreaNumberFromName(name)))
return $"{name} bundle";
else if (currentLocation is AbandonedJojaMart)
name = (x, y) switch
// Determine the name of the bundle based on the tile coordinates
string? name = (x, y) switch
(8, 8) => "Missing",
_ => null,
if (name is not null)
// Bundle name was found
return $"{name} bundle";
// No bundle was found
return null;
/// <summary>
/// Determines if there is a collision at the specified tile coordinates in the provided GameLocation.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="x">The x-coordinate of the tile to check.</param>
/// <param name="y">The y-coordinate of the tile to check.</param>
/// <param name="currentLocation">The GameLocation instance to search for collisions.</param>
/// <returns>True if a collision is detected at the specified tile coordinates, otherwise False.</returns>
public static bool IsCollidingAtTile(int x, int y, GameLocation currentLocation)
// This function highly optimized over readability because `currentLocation.isCollidingPosition` takes ~30ms on the Farm map, more on larger maps I.E. Forest.
// Return the result of the logical comparison directly, inlining operations
// Check if the tile is NOT a warp point and if it collides with an object or terrain feature
// OR if the tile has stumps in a Woods location
return !isWarpPointAtTile(x, y, currentLocation) &&
(currentLocation.isCollidingPosition(new Rectangle(x * 64 + 1, y * 64 + 1, 62, 62), Game1.viewport, true, 0, glider: false, Game1.player, pathfinding: true) ||
(currentLocation is Woods woods && getStumpsInWoods(x, y, woods) is not null));
/// <summary>
/// Returns the Warp object at the specified tile coordinates or null if not found.
/// </summary>
private static Warp? GetWarpAtTile(int x, int y, GameLocation currentLocation)
if (currentLocation is null) return null;
int warpsCount = currentLocation.warps.Count;
for (int i = 0; i < warpsCount; i++)
if (currentLocation.warps[i].X == x && currentLocation.warps[i].Y == y)
return currentLocation.warps[i];
return null;
public static bool isCollidingAtTile(int x, int y, GameLocation currentLocation)
/// <summary>
/// Returns the name of the warp point at the specified tile coordinates, or null if not found.
/// </summary>
public static string? getWarpPointAtTile(int x, int y, GameLocation currentLocation)
Rectangle rect = new(x * 64 + 1, y * 64 + 1, 62, 62);
Warp? warpPoint = GetWarpAtTile(x, y, currentLocation);
/* Reference
// Check whether the position is a warp point, if so then return false, sometimes warp points are 1 tile off the map for example in coops and barns
if (isWarpPointAtTile(x, y, currentLocation)) return false;
if (currentLocation.isCollidingPosition(rect, Game1.viewport, true, 0, glider: false, Game1.player, pathfinding: true))
if (warpPoint != null)
return true;
return $"{warpPoint.TargetName} Entrance";
if (currentLocation is Woods && getStumpsInWoods(x, y, currentLocation) is not null)
return true;
return false;
// Optimized
// Sometimes warp points are 1 tile off the map for example in coops and barns; check that this is not a warp point
if (!isWarpPointAtTile(x, y, currentLocation))
// not a warp point
//directly return the value of the logical comparison rather than wasting time in conditional
return currentLocation.isCollidingPosition(rect, Game1.viewport, true, 0, glider: false, Game1.player, pathfinding: true) || (currentLocation is Woods woods && getStumpsInWoods(x, y, woods) is not null);
// was a warp point; return false
return false;
return null;
public static Boolean isWarpPointAtTile(int x, int y, GameLocation currentLocation)
/// <summary>
/// Returns true if there's a warp point at the specified tile coordinates, or false otherwise.
/// </summary>
public static bool isWarpPointAtTile(int x, int y, GameLocation currentLocation)
if (currentLocation is null) return false;
int warpsCount = currentLocation.warps.Count;
for (int i = 0; i < warpsCount; i++)
if (currentLocation.warps[i].X == x && currentLocation.warps[i].Y == y) return true;
return false;
return GetWarpAtTile(x, y, currentLocation) != null;
/// <summary>
@ -807,6 +780,20 @@ namespace stardew_access.Features
/// <summary>
/// Check if a tile with the specified index exists at the given coordinates in the specified location.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="x">The X coordinate of the tile.</param>
/// <param name="y">The Y coordinate of the tile.</param>
/// <param name="currentLocation">The current game location.</param>
/// <param name="targetTileIndex">The target tile index to check for.</param>
/// <returns>True if a tile with the specified index exists at the given coordinates, false otherwise.</returns>
private static bool CheckTileIndex(int x, int y, GameLocation currentLocation, int targetTileIndex)
var tile = currentLocation.Map.GetLayer("Buildings").Tiles[x, y];
return tile != null && tile.TileIndex == targetTileIndex;
/// <summary>
/// Determines if a mine down ladder is present at the specified tile location.
/// </summary>
@ -816,18 +803,9 @@ namespace stardew_access.Features
/// <returns>True if a mine down ladder is found at the specified tile, otherwise false.</returns>
public static bool isMineDownLadderAtTile(int x, int y, GameLocation currentLocation)
// Check if the current location is a Mine, MineShaft, or has the Name "SkullCave"
if (currentLocation is Mine or MineShaft || currentLocation.Name == "SkullCave")
// Get the tile from the "Buildings" layer
var tile = currentLocation.Map.GetLayer("Buildings").Tiles[x, y];
// Check if the tile is not null and its TileIndex is 173, which represents a mine down ladder
return tile != null && tile.TileIndex == 173;
// No mine down ladder found at the specified tile
return false;
return currentLocation is Mine or MineShaft || currentLocation.Name == "SkullCave"
? CheckTileIndex(x, y, currentLocation, 173)
: false;
/// <summary>
@ -839,18 +817,9 @@ namespace stardew_access.Features
/// <returns>True if a mine shaft is found at the specified tile, otherwise false.</returns>
public static bool isShaftAtTile(int x, int y, GameLocation currentLocation)
// Check if the current location is a Mine, MineShaft, or has the Name "SkullCave"
if (currentLocation is Mine or MineShaft || currentLocation.Name == "SkullCave")
// Get the tile from the "Buildings" layer
var tile = currentLocation.Map.GetLayer("Buildings").Tiles[x, y];
// Check if the tile is not null and its TileIndex is 174, which represents a mine shaft
return tile != null && tile.TileIndex == 174;
// No mine shaft found at the specified tile
return false;
return currentLocation is Mine or MineShaft || currentLocation.Name == "SkullCave"
? CheckTileIndex(x, y, currentLocation, 174)
: false;
/// <summary>
@ -862,18 +831,9 @@ namespace stardew_access.Features
/// <returns>True if a mine up ladder is found at the specified tile, otherwise false.</returns>
public static bool isMineUpLadderAtTile(int x, int y, GameLocation currentLocation)
// Check if the current location is a Mine, MineShaft, or has the Name "SkullCave"
if (currentLocation is Mine or MineShaft || currentLocation.Name == "SkullCave")
// Get the tile from the "Buildings" layer
var tile = currentLocation.Map.GetLayer("Buildings").Tiles[x, y];
// Check if the tile is not null and its TileIndex is 115, which represents a mine up ladder
return tile != null && tile.TileIndex == 115;
// No mine up ladder found at the specified tile
return false;
return currentLocation is Mine or MineShaft || currentLocation.Name == "SkullCave"
? CheckTileIndex(x, y, currentLocation, 115)
: false;
/// <summary>
@ -885,52 +845,9 @@ namespace stardew_access.Features
/// <returns>True if an elevator is found at the specified tile, otherwise false.</returns>
public static bool isElevatorAtTile(int x, int y, GameLocation currentLocation)
// Check if the current location is a Mine, MineShaft, or has Name == "SkullCave"
// This accommodates the mod that adds the mine's elevator to the SkullCave.
if (currentLocation is Mine or MineShaft || currentLocation.Name == "SkullCave")
// Get the tile from the "Buildings" layer
var tile = currentLocation.Map.GetLayer("Buildings").Tiles[x, y];
// Check if the tile is not null and its TileIndex is 112, which represents an elevator
return tile != null && tile.TileIndex == 112;
// Location doesn't have elevators.
return false;
/// <summary>
/// Get the warp point information at the specified tile location.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="x">The x-coordinate of the tile.</param>
/// <param name="y">The y-coordinate of the tile.</param>
/// <param name="currentLocation">The current GameLocation instance.</param>
/// <returns>The warp point information as a string, or null if no warp point is found.</returns>
public static string? getWarpPointAtTile(int x, int y, GameLocation currentLocation)
// Check if the current location is null
if (currentLocation == null)
return null;
// Iterate through the warp points in the current location
int warpCount = currentLocation.warps.Count;
for (int i = 0; i < warpCount; i++)
Warp warpPoint = currentLocation.warps[i];
// Check if the warp point matches the specified tile coordinates
if (warpPoint.X == x && warpPoint.Y == y)
// Return the warp point information
return $"{warpPoint.TargetName} Entrance";
// No warp point found at the specified tile
return null;
return currentLocation is Mine or MineShaft || currentLocation.Name == "SkullCave"
? CheckTileIndex(x, y, currentLocation, 112)
: false;
/// <summary>
@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ namespace stardew_access.Features
if (name == null)
// Report if a tile is empty or blocked if there is nothing on it
if (TileInfo.isCollidingAtTile((int)tile.X, (int)tile.Y, Game1.currentLocation))
if (TileInfo.IsCollidingAtTile((int)tile.X, (int)tile.Y, Game1.currentLocation))
name = "blocked";
@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ namespace stardew_access.Patches
if (cueName == "grassyStep" || cueName == "sandyStep" || cueName == "snowyStep" || cueName == "stoneStep" || cueName == "thudStep" || cueName == "woodyStep")
Vector2 nextTile = CurrentPlayer.FacingTile;
if (TileInfo.isCollidingAtTile((int)nextTile.X, (int)nextTile.Y, Game1.currentLocation))
if (TileInfo.IsCollidingAtTile((int)nextTile.X, (int)nextTile.Y, Game1.currentLocation))
if (prevTile != nextTile)
Reference in New Issue