Moved and organized quest patches
@ -196,17 +196,17 @@ namespace stardew_access
#region Quest Patches
#region Quest Patches
original: AccessTools.Method(typeof(SpecialOrdersBoard), nameof(SpecialOrdersBoard.draw), new Type[] { typeof(SpriteBatch) }),
original: AccessTools.Method(typeof(SpecialOrdersBoard), nameof(SpecialOrdersBoard.draw), new Type[] { typeof(SpriteBatch) }),
postfix: new HarmonyMethod(typeof(QuestPatches), nameof(QuestPatches.SpecialOrdersBoardPatch))
postfix: new HarmonyMethod(typeof(SpecialOrdersBoardPatch), nameof(SpecialOrdersBoardPatch.DrawPatch))
original: AccessTools.Method(typeof(QuestLog), nameof(QuestLog.draw), new Type[] { typeof(SpriteBatch) }),
original: AccessTools.Method(typeof(QuestLog), nameof(QuestLog.draw), new Type[] { typeof(SpriteBatch) }),
postfix: new HarmonyMethod(typeof(QuestPatches), nameof(QuestPatches.QuestLogPatch))
postfix: new HarmonyMethod(typeof(QuestLogPatch), nameof(QuestLogPatch.DrawPatch))
original: AccessTools.Method(typeof(Billboard), nameof(Billboard.draw), new Type[] { typeof(SpriteBatch) }),
original: AccessTools.Method(typeof(Billboard), nameof(Billboard.draw), new Type[] { typeof(SpriteBatch) }),
postfix: new HarmonyMethod(typeof(QuestPatches), nameof(QuestPatches.BillboardPatch))
postfix: new HarmonyMethod(typeof(BillboardPatch), nameof(BillboardPatch.DrawPatch))
@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ namespace stardew_access.Patches
else if (menu is Billboard)
else if (menu is Billboard)
QuestPatches.currentDailyQuestText = " ";
else if (menu is GameMenu)
else if (menu is GameMenu)
@ -284,7 +284,7 @@ namespace stardew_access.Patches
else if (menu is QuestLog)
else if (menu is QuestLog)
QuestPatches.questLogQuery = " ";
else if (menu is TailoringMenu)
else if (menu is TailoringMenu)
@ -314,6 +314,10 @@ namespace stardew_access.Patches
else if (menu is SpecialOrdersBoard)
TextBoxPatch.activeTextBoxes = "";
TextBoxPatch.activeTextBoxes = "";
@ -7,281 +7,5 @@ namespace stardew_access.Patches
internal class QuestPatches
internal class QuestPatches
internal static string currentDailyQuestText = " ";
internal static string questLogQuery = " ";
internal static bool isNarratingQuestInfo = false, firstTimeInIndividualQuest = true;
#region For Special Orders Board
internal static void SpecialOrdersBoardPatch(SpecialOrdersBoard __instance)
int x = Game1.getMouseX(true), y = Game1.getMouseY(true); // Mouse x and y position
if (__instance.acceptLeftQuestButton.visible && __instance.acceptLeftQuestButton.containsPoint(x, y))
string toSpeak = getSpecialOrderDetails(__instance.leftOrder);
toSpeak = $"Left Quest:\n\t{toSpeak}\n\tPress left click to accept this quest.";
MainClass.ScreenReader.SayWithMenuChecker(toSpeak, true);
if (__instance.acceptRightQuestButton.visible && __instance.acceptRightQuestButton.containsPoint(x, y))
string toSpeak = getSpecialOrderDetails(__instance.rightOrder);
toSpeak = $"Right Quest:\n\t{toSpeak}\n\tPress left click to accept this quest.";
MainClass.ScreenReader.SayWithMenuChecker(toSpeak, true);
catch (Exception e)
MainClass.ErrorLog($"Unable to narrate Text:\n{e.Message}\n{e.StackTrace}");
private static string getSpecialOrderDetails(SpecialOrder order)
int daysLeft = order.GetDaysLeft();
string description = order.GetDescription();
string objectiveDescription = "";
string name = order.GetName();
int moneyReward = order.GetMoneyReward();
// Get each objectives
for (int i = 0; i < order.GetObjectiveDescriptions().Count; i++)
objectiveDescription += order.GetObjectiveDescriptions()[i] + ", \n";
string toReturn = $"{name}\n\tDescription:{description}\n\tObjectives: {objectiveDescription}";
if (order.IsTimedQuest())
toReturn = $"{toReturn}\n\tTime: {daysLeft} days";
if (order.HasMoneyReward())
toReturn = $"{toReturn}\n\tReward: {moneyReward}g";
return toReturn;
#region For Normal Billboard in the town
internal static void BillboardPatch(Billboard __instance, bool ___dailyQuestBoard)
if (!___dailyQuestBoard)
#region Callender
for (int i = 0; i < __instance.calendarDays.Count; i++)
if (__instance.calendarDays[i].containsPoint(Game1.getMouseX(true), Game1.getMouseY(true)))
string toSpeak = $"Day {i + 1}";
if (__instance.calendarDays[i].name.Length > 0)
toSpeak += $", {__instance.calendarDays[i].name}";
if (__instance.calendarDays[i].hoverText.Length > 0)
toSpeak += $", {__instance.calendarDays[i].hoverText}";
if (Game1.dayOfMonth == i + 1)
toSpeak += $", Current";
MainClass.ScreenReader.SayWithChecker(toSpeak, true);
#region Daily Quest Board
if (Game1.questOfTheDay == null || Game1.questOfTheDay.currentObjective == null || Game1.questOfTheDay.currentObjective.Length == 0)
// No quests
string toSpeak = "No quests for today!";
if (currentDailyQuestText != toSpeak)
currentDailyQuestText = toSpeak;
MainClass.ScreenReader.Say(toSpeak, true);
SpriteFont font = ((LocalizedContentManager.CurrentLanguageCode == LocalizedContentManager.LanguageCode.ko) ? Game1.smallFont : Game1.dialogueFont);
string description = Game1.parseText(Game1.questOfTheDay.questDescription, font, 640);
string toSpeak = description;
if (currentDailyQuestText != toSpeak)
currentDailyQuestText = toSpeak;
// Snap to accept quest button
if (__instance.acceptQuestButton.visible)
toSpeak += "\t\n Left click to accept quest.";
MainClass.ScreenReader.Say(toSpeak, true);
catch (Exception e)
MainClass.ErrorLog($"Unable to narrate Text:\n{e.Message}\n{e.StackTrace}");
#region Journal Menu
internal static void QuestLogPatch(QuestLog __instance, int ___questPage, List<List<IQuest>> ___pages, int ___currentPage, IQuest ____shownQuest, List<string> ____objectiveText)
bool isPrimaryInfoKeyPressed = MainClass.Config.PrimaryInfoKey.JustPressed();
int x = Game1.getMouseX(true), y = Game1.getMouseY(true); // Mouse x and y position
string toSpeak = " ", extra = "";
if (___questPage == -1)
#region Quest Lists
if (!firstTimeInIndividualQuest)
firstTimeInIndividualQuest = true;
for (int i = 0; i < __instance.questLogButtons.Count; i++)
if (___pages.Count() > 0 && ___pages[___currentPage].Count() > i)
if (!__instance.questLogButtons[i].containsPoint(x, y))
string name = ___pages[___currentPage][i].GetName();
int daysLeft = ___pages[___currentPage][i].GetDaysLeft();
toSpeak = $"{name}";
if (daysLeft > 0 && ___pages[___currentPage][i].ShouldDisplayAsComplete())
toSpeak += $"\t\n {daysLeft} days left";
toSpeak += ___pages[___currentPage][i].ShouldDisplayAsComplete() ? " completed!" : "";
if (__instance.backButton != null && __instance.backButton.visible && __instance.backButton.containsPoint(x, y))
toSpeak = "Previous page button";
else if (__instance.forwardButton != null && __instance.forwardButton.visible && __instance.forwardButton.containsPoint(x, y))
toSpeak = "Next page button";
else if (__instance.upperRightCloseButton != null && __instance.upperRightCloseButton.visible && __instance.upperRightCloseButton.containsPoint(x, y))
toSpeak = "Close menu button";
if (questLogQuery != toSpeak)
questLogQuery = toSpeak;
MainClass.ScreenReader.Say(toSpeak, true);
#region Individual quest
bool containsReward = __instance.HasReward() || __instance.HasMoneyReward();
string description = Game1.parseText(____shownQuest.GetDescription(), Game1.dialogueFont, __instance.width - 128);
string title = ____shownQuest.GetName();
if (firstTimeInIndividualQuest || (isPrimaryInfoKeyPressed && !isNarratingQuestInfo))
if (firstTimeInIndividualQuest)
toSpeak = "Back button";
if (____shownQuest.ShouldDisplayAsComplete())
#region Quest completed menu
extra = $"Quest: {title} Completed!";
if (__instance.HasMoneyReward())
extra += $"you recieved {____shownQuest.GetMoneyReward()}g";
#region Quest in-complete menu
extra = $"Title: {title}. \t\n Description: {description}";
for (int j = 0; j < ____objectiveText.Count; j++)
string parsed_text = Game1.parseText(____objectiveText[j], width: __instance.width - 192, whichFont: Game1.dialogueFont);
if (____shownQuest != null && ____shownQuest is SpecialOrder)
OrderObjective order_objective = ((SpecialOrder)____shownQuest).objectives[j];
if (order_objective.GetMaxCount() > 1 && order_objective.ShouldShowProgress())
parsed_text += "\n\t" + order_objective.GetCount() + " of " + order_objective.GetMaxCount() + " completed";
extra += $"\t\nOrder {j + 1}: {parsed_text} \t\n";
if (____shownQuest != null)
int daysLeft = ____shownQuest.GetDaysLeft();
if (daysLeft > 0)
extra += $"\t\n{daysLeft} days left.";
isNarratingQuestInfo = true;
Task.Delay(200).ContinueWith(_ => { isNarratingQuestInfo = false; });
questLogQuery = " ";
if (!firstTimeInIndividualQuest)
if (__instance.backButton != null && __instance.backButton.visible && __instance.backButton.containsPoint(x, y))
toSpeak = (___currentPage > 0) ? "Previous page button" : "Back button";
else if (__instance.forwardButton != null && __instance.forwardButton.visible && __instance.forwardButton.containsPoint(x, y))
toSpeak = "Next page button";
else if (__instance.cancelQuestButton != null && __instance.cancelQuestButton.visible && __instance.cancelQuestButton.containsPoint(x, y))
toSpeak = "Cancel quest button";
else if (__instance.upperRightCloseButton != null && __instance.upperRightCloseButton.visible && __instance.upperRightCloseButton.containsPoint(x, y))
toSpeak = "Close menu button";
else if (containsReward && __instance.rewardBox.containsPoint(x, y))
toSpeak = "Left click to collect reward";
if (firstTimeInIndividualQuest || (questLogQuery != toSpeak))
questLogQuery = toSpeak;
MainClass.ScreenReader.Say(extra + " \n\t" + toSpeak, true);
if (firstTimeInIndividualQuest)
firstTimeInIndividualQuest = false;
catch (Exception e)
MainClass.ErrorLog($"Unable to narrate Text:\n{e.Message}\n{e.StackTrace}");
@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics;
using StardewValley;
using StardewValley.Menus;
namespace stardew_access.Patches
internal class BillboardPatch
private static string billboardQueryKey = "";
internal static void DrawPatch(Billboard __instance, bool ___dailyQuestBoard)
if (___dailyQuestBoard)
catch (Exception e)
MainClass.ErrorLog($"Unable to narrate Text:\n{e.Message}\n{e.StackTrace}");
private static void narrateCallendar(Billboard __instance)
for (int i = 0; i < __instance.calendarDays.Count; i++)
if (!__instance.calendarDays[i].containsPoint(Game1.getMouseX(true), Game1.getMouseY(true)))
string toSpeak = $"Day {i + 1}";
if (__instance.calendarDays[i].name.Length > 0)
toSpeak += $", {__instance.calendarDays[i].name}";
if (__instance.calendarDays[i].hoverText.Length > 0)
toSpeak += $", {__instance.calendarDays[i].hoverText}";
if (Game1.dayOfMonth == i + 1)
toSpeak += $", Current";
if (billboardQueryKey != toSpeak)
billboardQueryKey = toSpeak;
MainClass.ScreenReader.Say(toSpeak, true);
private static void narrateDailyQuestBoard(Billboard __instance)
if (Game1.questOfTheDay == null || Game1.questOfTheDay.currentObjective == null || Game1.questOfTheDay.currentObjective.Length == 0)
// No quests
string toSpeak = "No quests for today!";
if (billboardQueryKey != toSpeak)
billboardQueryKey = toSpeak;
MainClass.ScreenReader.Say(toSpeak, true);
SpriteFont font = ((LocalizedContentManager.CurrentLanguageCode == LocalizedContentManager.LanguageCode.ko) ? Game1.smallFont : Game1.dialogueFont);
string description = Game1.parseText(Game1.questOfTheDay.questDescription, font, 640);
string toSpeak = description;
if (billboardQueryKey != toSpeak)
billboardQueryKey = toSpeak;
// Snap to accept quest button
if (__instance.acceptQuestButton.visible)
toSpeak += "\t\n Left click to accept quest.";
MainClass.ScreenReader.Say(toSpeak, true);
internal static void Cleanup()
billboardQueryKey = "";
@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
using StardewValley;
using StardewValley.Menus;
using StardewValley.Quests;
namespace stardew_access.Patches
// a.k.a. Journal Menu
internal class QuestLogPatch
internal static string questLogQuery = "";
internal static bool isNarratingQuestInfo = false;
internal static bool firstTimeInIndividualQuest = true;
internal static void DrawPatch(QuestLog __instance, int ___questPage, List<List<IQuest>> ___pages, int ___currentPage, IQuest ____shownQuest, List<string> ____objectiveText)
int x = Game1.getMouseX(true), y = Game1.getMouseY(true); // Mouse x and y position
if (___questPage == -1)
narrateQuestList(__instance, ___pages, ___currentPage, x, y);
narrateIndividualQuest(__instance, ___currentPage, ____shownQuest, ____objectiveText, x, y);
catch (Exception e)
MainClass.ErrorLog($"Unable to narrate Text:\n{e.Message}\n{e.StackTrace}");
private static void narrateQuestList(QuestLog __instance, List<List<IQuest>> ___pages, int ___currentPage, int x, int y)
string toSpeak = "";
if (!firstTimeInIndividualQuest) firstTimeInIndividualQuest = true;
if (__instance.backButton != null && __instance.backButton.visible && __instance.backButton.containsPoint(x, y))
toSpeak = "Previous page button";
else if (__instance.forwardButton != null && __instance.forwardButton.visible && __instance.forwardButton.containsPoint(x, y))
toSpeak = "Next page button";
else if (__instance.upperRightCloseButton != null && __instance.upperRightCloseButton.visible && __instance.upperRightCloseButton.containsPoint(x, y))
toSpeak = "Close menu button";
for (int i = 0; i < __instance.questLogButtons.Count; i++)
if (___pages.Count() <= 0 || ___pages[___currentPage].Count() <= i)
if (!__instance.questLogButtons[i].containsPoint(x, y))
string name = ___pages[___currentPage][i].GetName();
int daysLeft = ___pages[___currentPage][i].GetDaysLeft();
toSpeak = $"{name}";
if (daysLeft > 0 && ___pages[___currentPage][i].ShouldDisplayAsComplete())
toSpeak += $"\t\n {daysLeft} days left";
toSpeak += ___pages[___currentPage][i].ShouldDisplayAsComplete() ? " completed!" : "";
if (questLogQuery != toSpeak)
questLogQuery = toSpeak;
MainClass.ScreenReader.Say(toSpeak, true);
private static void narrateIndividualQuest(QuestLog __instance, int ___currentPage, IQuest ____shownQuest, List<string> ____objectiveText, int x, int y)
bool isPrimaryInfoKeyPressed = MainClass.Config.PrimaryInfoKey.JustPressed();
bool containsReward = __instance.HasReward() || __instance.HasMoneyReward();
string description = Game1.parseText(____shownQuest.GetDescription(), Game1.dialogueFont, __instance.width - 128);
string title = ____shownQuest.GetName();
string toSpeak = "";
string extra = "";
if (firstTimeInIndividualQuest || (isPrimaryInfoKeyPressed && !isNarratingQuestInfo))
if (firstTimeInIndividualQuest)
toSpeak = "Back button";
if (____shownQuest.ShouldDisplayAsComplete())
#region Quest completed menu
extra = $"Quest: {title} Completed!";
if (__instance.HasMoneyReward())
extra += $"you recieved {____shownQuest.GetMoneyReward()}g";
#region Quest in-complete menu
extra = $"Title: {title}. \t\n Description: {description}";
for (int j = 0; j < ____objectiveText.Count; j++)
string parsed_text = Game1.parseText(____objectiveText[j], width: __instance.width - 192, whichFont: Game1.dialogueFont);
if (____shownQuest != null && ____shownQuest is SpecialOrder)
OrderObjective order_objective = ((SpecialOrder)____shownQuest).objectives[j];
if (order_objective.GetMaxCount() > 1 && order_objective.ShouldShowProgress())
parsed_text += "\n\t" + order_objective.GetCount() + " of " + order_objective.GetMaxCount() + " completed";
extra += $"\t\nOrder {j + 1}: {parsed_text} \t\n";
if (____shownQuest != null)
int daysLeft = ____shownQuest.GetDaysLeft();
if (daysLeft > 0)
extra += $"\t\n{daysLeft} days left.";
isNarratingQuestInfo = true;
Task.Delay(200).ContinueWith(_ => { isNarratingQuestInfo = false; });
questLogQuery = "";
if (!firstTimeInIndividualQuest)
if (__instance.backButton != null && __instance.backButton.visible && __instance.backButton.containsPoint(x, y))
toSpeak = (___currentPage > 0) ? "Previous page button" : "Back button";
else if (__instance.forwardButton != null && __instance.forwardButton.visible && __instance.forwardButton.containsPoint(x, y))
toSpeak = "Next page button";
else if (__instance.cancelQuestButton != null && __instance.cancelQuestButton.visible && __instance.cancelQuestButton.containsPoint(x, y))
toSpeak = "Cancel quest button";
else if (__instance.upperRightCloseButton != null && __instance.upperRightCloseButton.visible && __instance.upperRightCloseButton.containsPoint(x, y))
toSpeak = "Close menu button";
else if (containsReward && __instance.rewardBox.containsPoint(x, y))
toSpeak = "Left click to collect reward";
if (firstTimeInIndividualQuest || (questLogQuery != toSpeak))
questLogQuery = toSpeak;
MainClass.ScreenReader.Say(extra + " \n\t" + toSpeak, true);
if (firstTimeInIndividualQuest) firstTimeInIndividualQuest = false;
internal static void Cleaup()
questLogQuery = "";
isNarratingQuestInfo = false;
firstTimeInIndividualQuest = true;
@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
using StardewValley;
using StardewValley.Menus;
namespace stardew_access.Patches
internal class SpecialOrdersBoardPatch
private static string specialOrdersBoardQueryKey = "";
internal static void DrawPatch(SpecialOrdersBoard __instance)
int x = Game1.getMouseX(true), y = Game1.getMouseY(true); // Mouse x and y position
if (__instance.acceptLeftQuestButton.visible && __instance.acceptLeftQuestButton.containsPoint(x, y))
string toSpeak = getSpecialOrderDetails(__instance.leftOrder);
toSpeak = $"Left Quest:\n\t{toSpeak}\n\tPress left click to accept this quest.";
if (__instance.acceptRightQuestButton.visible && __instance.acceptRightQuestButton.containsPoint(x, y))
string toSpeak = getSpecialOrderDetails(__instance.rightOrder);
toSpeak = $"Right Quest:\n\t{toSpeak}\n\tPress left click to accept this quest.";
catch (Exception e)
MainClass.ErrorLog($"Unable to narrate Text:\n{e.Message}\n{e.StackTrace}");
private static string getSpecialOrderDetails(SpecialOrder order)
int daysLeft = order.GetDaysLeft();
string description = order.GetDescription();
string objectiveDescription = "";
string name = order.GetName();
int moneyReward = order.GetMoneyReward();
// Get each objectives
for (int i = 0; i < order.GetObjectiveDescriptions().Count; i++)
objectiveDescription += order.GetObjectiveDescriptions()[i] + ", \n";
string toReturn = $"{name}\n\tDescription:{description}\n\tObjectives: {objectiveDescription}";
if (order.IsTimedQuest())
toReturn = $"{toReturn}\n\tTime: {daysLeft} days";
if (order.HasMoneyReward())
toReturn = $"{toReturn}\n\tReward: {moneyReward}g";
return toReturn;
private static void Speak(string toSpeak)
if (specialOrdersBoardQueryKey == toSpeak) return;
specialOrdersBoardQueryKey = toSpeak;
MainClass.ScreenReader.Say(toSpeak, true);
internal static void Cleanup()
specialOrdersBoardQueryKey = "";
Reference in New Issue