Refactor `StaticTiles` and `CATEGORY` classes for enhanced functionality

`StaticTiles` now uses `System.Text.Json` and supports conditional and mod-based maps with efficient dictionary lookups. Dictionary can be reloaded as needed, typically once per game day.
`CATEGORY` allows runtime addition of new categories, with an indexer function for retrieval, and retains static properties for compiled categories.
Katie Durden 2023-03-30 03:31:54 -07:00
parent 5d8f85fa5b
commit 245959366c
4 changed files with 605 additions and 331 deletions

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@ -467,7 +467,8 @@ namespace stardew_access
helper.ConsoleCommands.Add("refst", "Refresh static tiles", (string command, string[] args) =>
MainClass.STiles = new Features.StaticTiles();
MainClass.InfoLog("Static tiles refreshed!");

View File

@ -1,298 +1,550 @@
using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;
using StardewValley;
using System.IO;
using System.Text.Json;
using System.Linq;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using StardewValley;
namespace stardew_access.Features
public class StaticTiles
private static JObject? staticTilesData = null;
private static JObject? customTilesData = null;
private static Dictionary<string, Dictionary<(short x, short y), (string name, CATEGORY category)>?>? staticTilesDataDict = null;
private static Dictionary<string, Dictionary<(short x, short y), (string name, CATEGORY category)>?>? customTilesDataDict = null;
// Static instance for the singleton pattern
private static StaticTiles? _instance;
public StaticTiles()
/// <summary>
/// The singleton instance of the <see cref="StaticTiles"/> class.
/// </summary>
public static StaticTiles Instance
if (MainClass.ModHelper is null)
if (staticTilesData is null) LoadTilesFiles();
if (_instance == null)
_instance = new StaticTiles();
return _instance;
/// <summary>
/// A nullable JsonElement containing static tile data.
/// </summary>
private static JsonElement? staticTilesData;
/// <summary>
/// A nullable JsonElement containing custom tile data.
/// </summary>
private static JsonElement? customTilesData;
/// <summary>
/// A dictionary that maps location names to tile data dictionaries for static tiles.
/// Each tile data dictionary maps tile coordinates (x, y) to a tuple containing the object name and category.
/// </summary>
private static Dictionary<string, Dictionary<(short x, short y), (string name, CATEGORY category)>> staticTilesDataDict;
/// <summary>
/// A dictionary that maps location names to tile data dictionaries for custom tiles.
/// Each tile data dictionary maps tile coordinates (x, y) to a tuple containing the object name and category.
/// </summary>
private static Dictionary<string, Dictionary<(short x, short y), (string name, CATEGORY category)>> customTilesDataDict;
/// <summary>
/// The file name of the JSON file containing static tile data.
/// </summary>
private const string StaticTilesFileName = "static-tiles.json";
/// <summary>
/// The file name of the JSON file containing custom tile data.
/// </summary>
private const string CustomTilesFileName = "custom-tiles.json";
/// <summary>
/// A dictionary that contains conditional lambda functions for checking specific game conditions.
/// Each lambda function takes two arguments: a conditionType (string) and a uniqueModId (string) and returns a boolean value.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// The following lambda functions are currently supported:
/// <list type="bullet">
/// <item>
/// <description>"Farm": Checks if the current in-game farm type matches the given farm type (conditionType).</description>
/// </item>
/// <item>
/// <description>"JojaMember": Checks if the player has the "JojaMember" mail. The input arguments are ignored.</description>
/// </item>
/// </list>
/// Additional lambda functions can be added as needed.
/// </remarks>
private static readonly Dictionary<string, Func<string, string, bool>> conditionals = new Dictionary<string, Func<string, string, bool>>
["Farm"] = (conditionType, uniqueModId) =>
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(uniqueModId))
// Branch for vanilla locations
// Calculate farmTypeIndex using the switch expression
int farmTypeIndex = conditionType.ToLower() switch
"default" => 0,
"riverlands" => 1,
"forest" => 2,
"mountains" => 3,
"combat" => 4,
"fourcorners" => 5,
"beach" => 6,
_ => 7,
// Return true if the farmTypeIndex matches the current in-game farm type, otherwise false
return farmTypeIndex == Game1.whichFarm;
// Branch for mod locations
// Log an error message and return false, as mod locations are not yet supported for the Farm conditional
MainClass.ErrorLog("Mod locations are not yet supported for the Farm conditional.");
return false;
["JojaMember"] = (conditionType, uniqueModId) =>
// Return true if the player has the "JojaMember" mail, otherwise false
return Game1.MasterPlayer.mailReceived.Contains("JojaMember");
/// <summary>
/// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="StaticTiles"/> class.
/// Loads the tile files and sets up the tile dictionaries.
/// </summary>
private StaticTiles()
/// <summary>
/// Loads a JSON file from the specified file name in the assets folder.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="fileName">The name of the JSON file to load.</param>
/// <returns>A <see cref="JsonElement"/> containing the deserialized JSON data, or default if an error occurs.</returns>
private static JsonElement LoadJsonFile(string fileName)
string filePath = Path.Combine(MainClass.ModHelper!.DirectoryPath, "assets", fileName);
string json = File.ReadAllText(filePath);
return JsonSerializer.Deserialize<JsonElement>(json);
catch (FileNotFoundException ex)
MainClass.ErrorLog($"{fileName} file not found: {ex.Message}");
catch (JsonException ex)
MainClass.ErrorLog($"Error parsing {fileName}: {ex.Message}");
catch (Exception ex)
MainClass.ErrorLog($"An error occurred while initializing {fileName}: {ex.Message}");
return default;
/// <summary>
/// Loads the static and custom tile files.
/// </summary>
public static void LoadTilesFiles()
using (StreamReader file = new(Path.Combine(MainClass.ModHelper.DirectoryPath, "assets", "static-tiles.json")))
string json = file.ReadToEnd();
staticTilesData = JObject.Parse(json);
if (staticTilesData is not null)
if (MainClass.ModHelper is null) return;
MainClass.InfoLog($"Loaded static-tile.json");
catch (System.Exception)
MainClass.ErrorLog($"static-tiles.json file not found or an error occured while initializing static-tiles.json\nThe path of the file should be:\n\t{Path.Combine(MainClass.ModHelper.DirectoryPath, "assets", "static-tiles.json")}");
using (StreamReader file = new(Path.Combine(MainClass.ModHelper.DirectoryPath, "assets", "custom-tiles.json")))
string json = file.ReadToEnd();
customTilesData = JObject.Parse(json);
if (customTilesData is not null)
MainClass.InfoLog($"Loaded custom-tile.json");
catch (System.Exception)
MainClass.InfoLog($"custom-tiles.json file not found or an error occured while initializing custom-tiles.json\nThe path of the file should be:\n\t{Path.Combine(MainClass.ModHelper.DirectoryPath, "assets", "custom-tiles.json")}");
staticTilesData = LoadJsonFile(StaticTilesFileName);
customTilesData = LoadJsonFile(CustomTilesFileName);
public static bool IsAvailable(string locationName)
/// <summary>
/// Adds a conditional lambda function to the conditionals dictionary at runtime.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="conditionName">The name of the condition to be added.</param>
/// <param name="conditionLambda">The lambda function to be added. It should accept two strings (conditionName and uniqueModID) and return a bool.</param>
/// <returns>Returns true if the lambda was added successfully, and false otherwise.</returns>
/// <exception cref="ArgumentException">Thrown if the conditionName or conditionLambda is null or empty.</exception>
public static bool AddConditionalLambda(string conditionName, Func<string, string, bool> conditionLambda)
List<JObject> allData = new();
if (customTilesData != null) allData.Add(customTilesData);
if (staticTilesData != null) allData.Add(staticTilesData);
foreach (JObject data in allData)
// Check if the conditionName is not null or empty
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(conditionName))
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, JToken?> location in data)
if (location.Key.Contains("||") && MainClass.ModHelper != null)
string uniqueModID = location.Key[(location.Key.LastIndexOf("||") + 2)..];
string locationNameInJson = location.Key.Remove(location.Key.LastIndexOf("||"));
bool isLoaded = MainClass.ModHelper.ModRegistry.IsLoaded(uniqueModID);
throw new ArgumentException("Condition name cannot be null or empty.", nameof(conditionName));
if (!isLoaded) continue; // Skip if the specified mod is not loaded
if (locationName.Equals(locationNameInJson, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) return true;
// Check if the conditionLambda is not null
if (conditionLambda == null)
throw new ArgumentException("Condition lambda cannot be null.", nameof(conditionLambda));
// Check if the conditionName already exists in the dictionary
if (conditionals.ContainsKey(conditionName))
MainClass.ErrorLog($"A conditional with the name '{conditionName}' already exists.");
return false;
// Add the lambda to the dictionary
conditionals.Add(conditionName, conditionLambda);
return true;
/// <summary>
/// Creates a location tile dictionary based on the given JSON dictionary.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="jsonDict">The JSON dictionary containing location tile data.</param>
/// <returns>A dictionary mapping tile coordinates to tile names and categories.</returns>
public static Dictionary<(short x, short y), (string name, CATEGORY category)> CreateLocationTileDict(JsonElement locationJson)
var jsonDict = locationJson.EnumerateObject().ToDictionary(p => p.Name, p => p.Value);
var locationData = new Dictionary<(short x, short y), (string name, CATEGORY category)>(jsonDict.Count);
// Iterate over the JSON dictionary
foreach (var item in jsonDict)
var name = item.Key;
// Error handling: Check if "x" and "y" properties exist in the JSON object
if (!item.Value.TryGetProperty("x", out var xElement) || !item.Value.TryGetProperty("y", out var yElement))
MainClass.ErrorLog($"Missing x or y property for {name}");
var xValues = xElement.EnumerateArray().Select(x => x.GetInt16()).ToArray();
var yValues = yElement.EnumerateArray().Select(y => y.GetInt16()).ToArray();
// Error handling: Ensure that x and y arrays are not empty
if (xValues.Length == 0 || yValues.Length == 0)
MainClass.ErrorLog($"Empty x or y array for {name}");
// Get the "type" property if it exists, otherwise use the default value "Others"
var type = item.Value.TryGetProperty("type", out var typeElement) ? typeElement.GetString() : "Others";
// Obtain the category instance
var category = CATEGORY.FromString(type);
// Iterate over y and x values, adding entries to the locationData dictionary
for (int j = 0; j < yValues.Length; j++)
var y = yValues[j];
for (int i = 0; i < xValues.Length; i++)
var x = xValues[i];
locationData.TryAdd((x, y), (name, category));
else if (locationName.Equals(location.Key, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
return true;
return false;
return locationData;
public static (string? name, CATEGORY category) GetTileFromDict(int x, int y)
/// <summary>
/// Represents the different categories of locations.
/// </summary>
public enum LocationCategory
if (staticTilesDataDict is not null && staticTilesDataDict.TryGetValue(Game1.currentLocation.Name, out var locationDict))
/// <summary>
/// Represents mod locations with conditional requirements.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Represents mod locations without conditional requirements.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Represents vanilla locations with conditional requirements.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Represents vanilla locations without conditional requirements.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Determines the location category based on the given location name.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="name">The location name.</param>
/// <returns>The location category.</returns>
public static LocationCategory GetLocationCategory(string name)
bool hasDoubleUnderscore = name.Contains("__");
bool hasDoubleVerticalBar = name.Contains("||");
if (hasDoubleUnderscore && hasDoubleVerticalBar)
return LocationCategory.ModConditional;
if (hasDoubleVerticalBar)
return LocationCategory.Mod;
if (hasDoubleUnderscore)
return LocationCategory.VanillaConditional;
return LocationCategory.Vanilla;
/// <summary>
/// Sorts location data from a JsonElement into four dictionaries based on their type (mod conditional, mod, vanilla conditional, or vanilla).
/// </summary>
/// <param name="json">A JsonElement containing location data.</param>
/// <returns>
/// A tuple containing four dictionaries:
/// - modConditionalLocations: A dictionary of mod locations with conditionals.
/// - modLocations: A dictionary of mod locations without conditionals.
/// - vanillaConditionalLocations: A dictionary of vanilla locations with conditionals.
/// - vanillaLocations: A dictionary of vanilla locations without conditionals.
/// Each dictionary maps a location name to another dictionary, which maps tile coordinates (x, y) to a tuple containing the object name and category.
/// </returns>
/// <remarks>
/// This function iterates over the properties of the input JsonElement and categorizes each location based on the naming conventions.
/// If a location has a conditional, the function checks if the condition is met before adding it to the respective dictionary.
/// If a mod location is specified, the function checks if the mod is loaded before adding it to the respective dictionary.
/// </remarks>
public static (
Dictionary<string, Dictionary<(short x, short y), (string name, CATEGORY category)>> modConditionalLocations,
Dictionary<string, Dictionary<(short x, short y), (string name, CATEGORY category)>> modLocations,
Dictionary<string, Dictionary<(short x, short y), (string name, CATEGORY category)>> vanillaConditionalLocations,
Dictionary<string, Dictionary<(short x, short y), (string name, CATEGORY category)>> vanillaLocations
) SortLocationsByType(JsonElement json)
var modConditionalLocations = new Dictionary<string, Dictionary<(short x, short y), (string name, CATEGORY category)>>();
var modLocations = new Dictionary<string, Dictionary<(short x, short y), (string name, CATEGORY category)>>();
var vanillaConditionalLocations = new Dictionary<string, Dictionary<(short x, short y), (string name, CATEGORY category)>>();
var vanillaLocations = new Dictionary<string, Dictionary<(short x, short y), (string name, CATEGORY category)>>();
var categoryDicts = new Dictionary<LocationCategory, Dictionary<string, Dictionary<(short x, short y), (string name, CATEGORY category)>>>
if (locationDict is not null && locationDict.TryGetValue(((short)x, (short)y), out var tile))
{ LocationCategory.ModConditional, modConditionalLocations },
{ LocationCategory.Mod, modLocations },
{ LocationCategory.VanillaConditional, vanillaConditionalLocations },
{ LocationCategory.Vanilla, vanillaLocations }
foreach (var property in json.EnumerateObject())
if (property.Value.ValueKind != JsonValueKind.Object)
//MainClass.DebugLog($"Tile ({x}, {y}) is in the dict as {}.");
return tile;
MainClass.ErrorLog($"Invalid value type for {property.Name}");
} /*else if (locationDict is null) {
//MainClass.DebugLog($"Skipping null entry for location {Game1.currentLocation.Name}.");
else {
MainClass.InfoLog($"Location {Game1.currentLocation.Name} not found in static tiles.");
return (null, CATEGORY.Others);
private static Dictionary<string, Dictionary<(short x, short y), (string name, CATEGORY category)>?>? BuildTilesDict(JObject? data)
if (data is null) return null;
//MainClass.DebugLog("Loading dict data");
var comparer = StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase;
Dictionary<string, Dictionary<(short x, short y), (string name, CATEGORY category)>?> tilesDict = new(comparer);
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, JToken?> location in data)
string propertyName = property.Name;
string uniqueModId = null;
var splitModId = propertyName.Split("||", StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
if (splitModId.Length == 2)
//MainClass.DebugLog($"Entering loop for location {location}.");
if (location.Value is null) continue;
string locationName = location.Key;
if (locationName.Contains("||") && MainClass.ModHelper is not null)
/* Mod Specific Tiles
* We can add tiles that only get detected when the specified mod is loaded.
* Syntax: <location name>||<Mod's unique id, look into the mod's manifest.json for unique id>
* Example: The following tile will only be detected if Stardew Valley Expanded mod is installed
* {
* .
* .
* .
* "Town||FlashShifter.StardewValleyExpandedCP":{
* "<Tile Name>":{
* "x": [<x location(s)>],
* "y": [<y location(s)>],
* "type": "<Category name>"
* }
* },
* .
* .
* .
* }
string uniqueModID = locationName[(locationName.LastIndexOf("||") + 2)..];
locationName = locationName.Remove(locationName.LastIndexOf("||"));
bool isLoaded = MainClass.ModHelper.ModRegistry.IsLoaded(uniqueModID);
propertyName = splitModId[0];
uniqueModId = splitModId[1];
if (!isLoaded) continue; // Skip if the specified mod is not loaded
//MainClass.DebugLog($"Loading tiles for {locationName}.");
if (location.Value.Type == JTokenType.Null)
if (MainClass.ModHelper == null || !MainClass.ModHelper.ModRegistry.IsLoaded(uniqueModId))
tilesDict.Add(location.Key, null);
//MainClass.DebugLog($"Created null entry for location {location.Key}.");
var category = GetLocationCategory(propertyName);
Dictionary<(short x, short y), (string name, CATEGORY category)>? locationDict = new();
//MainClass.DebugLog($"Entering tiles loop for {locationName}.");
foreach (var tileInfo in ((JObject)location.Value))
if (category == LocationCategory.VanillaConditional || category == LocationCategory.ModConditional)
var splitPropertyName = propertyName.Split("__", StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
if (splitPropertyName.Length == 2)
if (tileInfo.Value == null) continue;
string key = tileInfo.Key;
var tile = tileInfo.Value;
if (tile.Type == JTokenType.Object )
propertyName = splitPropertyName[0];
string conditionalName = splitPropertyName[1];
if (conditionals.TryGetValue(conditionalName, out var conditionalFunc))
JToken? tileXArray = tile["x"];
JToken? tileYArray = tile["y"];
JToken? tileType = tile["type"];
if (tileXArray is null || tileYArray is null || tileType is null)
if (!conditionalFunc(conditionalName, uniqueModId))
//MainClass.DebugLog($"Adding tile {key} to location {locationName}.");
if (key.Contains('[') && key.Contains(']'))
int i1 = key.IndexOf('[');
int i2 = key.LastIndexOf(']');
if (i1 < i2)
key = key.Remove(i1, ++i2 - i1);
(string key, CATEGORY category) tileData = (key.Trim(), CATEGORY.FromString(tileType.ToString().ToLower()));
foreach (var item_x in tileXArray)
short x = short.Parse(item_x.ToString());
foreach (var item_y in tileYArray)
short y = short.Parse(item_y.ToString());
(short x, short y) coords = (x, y);
locationDict.Add(coords, tileData);
catch (System.Exception e)
MainClass.ErrorLog($"Failed setting tile {key} for location {locationName}. Reason:\n\t{e}");
//MainClass.DebugLog($"Location Dict has {locationDict.Count} members.");
if (locationDict.Count > 0)
//MainClass.DebugLog($"Adding locationDict for {locationName}");
tilesDict.Add(locationName, locationDict);
//MainClass.DebugLog($"Added locationDict for {locationName}");
} catch (System.Exception e) {
if (location.Value is null || location.Value.Type == JTokenType.Null)
tilesDict.Add(location.Key, null);
//MainClass.DebugLog($"Created null entry for location {location.Key}.");
} else {
MainClass.ErrorLog($"Unable to build tiles dict; failed on location {location.Key} with value ({location.Value.GetType()}){location.Value}. Reason:\n\t{e}");
MainClass.ErrorLog($"Unknown conditional name: {conditionalName}");
if (tilesDict.Count > 0)
//MainClass.DebugLog("Dict loaded, returning.");
return tilesDict;
} else {
//MainClass.DebugLog("Dict not loaded, returning null");
return null;
var locationDict = CreateLocationTileDict(property.Value);
public void SetupTilesDicts()
//MainClass.DebugLog("Attempting to set dicts");
staticTilesDataDict = BuildTilesDict(staticTilesData);
if (staticTilesDataDict is not null)
if (categoryDicts.TryGetValue(category, out var targetDict))
//MainClass.DebugLog($"staticTilesDataDict has {staticTilesDataDict.Count} entries.");
//MainClass.DebugLog($"Keys: {staticTilesDataDict.Keys}");
} else {
//MainClass.DebugLog("Static tiles not loaded.");
targetDict.Add(propertyName, locationDict);
catch (System.Exception e)
MainClass.ErrorLog($"Failed to set static tiles dict. Reason: \n\t{e}");
customTilesDataDict = BuildTilesDict(customTilesData);
if (customTilesDataDict is not null)
//MainClass.DebugLog($"customTilesDataDict has {customTilesDataDict.Count} entries.");
} else {
//MainClass.DebugLog("Custom tiles not loaded.");
MainClass.ErrorLog($"Unknown location category for {propertyName}");
catch (System.Exception e)
return (modConditionalLocations, modLocations, vanillaConditionalLocations, vanillaLocations);
/// <summary>
/// Merges the contents of the source dictionary into the destination dictionary.
/// If a key exists in both dictionaries and the associated values are dictionaries, the function merges them recursively.
/// If the values are not dictionaries, the value from the source dictionary overwrites the value in the destination dictionary.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="TKey">The type of keys in the dictionaries.</typeparam>
/// <typeparam name="TValue">The type of values in the dictionaries.</typeparam>
/// <param name="destinationDictionary">The destination dictionary to merge the source dictionary into.</param>
/// <param name="sourceDictionary">The source dictionary containing the data to merge into the destination dictionary.</param>
private static void MergeDicts<TKey, TValue>(
Dictionary<TKey, TValue> destinationDictionary,
Dictionary<TKey, TValue> sourceDictionary)
if (destinationDictionary == null || sourceDictionary == null)
MainClass.ErrorLog($"Faild to set custom tiles dict. Reason:\n\t{e}");
// Log a warning or throw an exception if either dictionary is null
//MainClass.DebugLog("Successfully created tiles dicts.");
public static string? GetStaticTileInfoAt(int x, int y)
return GetStaticTileInfoAtWithCategory(x, y).name;
public static (string? name, CATEGORY category) GetStaticTileInfoAtWithCategory(int x, int y)
if (customTilesDataDict is not null) return GetTileFromDict(x, y);
if (staticTilesDataDict is not null) return GetTileFromDict(x, y);
return (null, CATEGORY.Others);
private static int GetFarmTypeIndex(string farmType)
return farmType.ToLower() switch
foreach (var sourceEntry in sourceDictionary)
"default" => 0,
"riverlands" => 1,
"forest" => 2,
"mountains" => 3,
"combat" => 4,
"fourcorners" => 5,
"beach" => 6,
_ => 7,
// Try to get the existing value from the destination dictionary
if (destinationDictionary.TryGetValue(sourceEntry.Key, out var existingValue))
// If both existing value and the source value are dictionaries,
// merge them recursively
if (existingValue is Dictionary<TKey, TValue> existingDictionary
&& sourceEntry.Value is Dictionary<TKey, TValue> sourceSubDictionary)
MergeDicts(existingDictionary, sourceSubDictionary);
// Overwrite the existing value if it's not a dictionary
destinationDictionary[sourceEntry.Key] = sourceEntry.Value;
// Add a new entry if the key doesn't exist in the destination dictionary
destinationDictionary[sourceEntry.Key] = sourceEntry.Value;
/// <summary>
/// Builds a dictionary containing location data and tile information based on the provided JsonElement.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="json">A JsonElement containing the location and tile data.</param>
/// <returns>A dictionary containing location data and tile information.</returns>
public static Dictionary<string, Dictionary<(short x, short y), (string name, CATEGORY category)>> BuildTilesDict(JsonElement json)
// Sort the locations by their types (modConditional, mod, vanillaConditional, vanilla)
var (modConditionalLocations, modLocations, vanillaConditionalLocations, vanillaLocations) = SortLocationsByType(json);
// Create a merged dictionary to store all the location dictionaries
var mergedDict = new Dictionary<string, Dictionary<(short x, short y), (string name, CATEGORY category)>>();
// Merge each category-specific dictionary into the merged dictionary. Prioritize conditional locations whose conditions are true and mod locations where the corresponding mod is loaded. Overwrite their default and vanilla versions, respectively.
MergeDicts(mergedDict, modConditionalLocations);
MergeDicts(mergedDict, modLocations);
MergeDicts(mergedDict, vanillaConditionalLocations);
MergeDicts(mergedDict, vanillaLocations);
return mergedDict;
/// <summary>
/// Sets up the tile dictionaries (staticTilesDataDict and customTilesDataDict) using the data from the loaded JsonElements.
/// </summary>
public static void SetupTilesDicts()
if (staticTilesData.HasValue)
staticTilesDataDict = BuildTilesDict(staticTilesData.Value);
staticTilesDataDict = new Dictionary<string, Dictionary<(short x, short y), (string name, CATEGORY category)>>();
if (customTilesData.HasValue)
customTilesDataDict = BuildTilesDict(customTilesData.Value);
customTilesDataDict = new Dictionary<string, Dictionary<(short x, short y), (string name, CATEGORY category)>>();
/// <summary>
/// Retrieves the tile information (name and optionally category) from the dictionaries based on the specified location and coordinates.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="x">The x-coordinate of the tile.</param>
/// <param name="y">The y-coordinate of the tile.</param>
/// <param name="currentLocationName">The name of the current location. Defaults to Game1.currentLocation.Name.</param>
/// <param name="includeCategory">Specifies whether to include the tile's category in the returned tuple.</param>
/// <returns>A tuple containing the tile's name and optionally its category. If the tile is not found, the name will be null and the category will be CATEGORY.Others if requested.</returns>
private static (string? name, CATEGORY? category) GetTileInfoAt(int x, int y, string currentLocationName = null, bool includeCategory = false)
if (currentLocationName == null)
currentLocationName = Game1.currentLocation.Name;
if (customTilesDataDict != null && customTilesDataDict.TryGetValue(currentLocationName, out var customLocationDict))
if (customLocationDict != null && customLocationDict.TryGetValue(((short)x, (short)y), out var customTile))
return (, includeCategory ? customTile.category : (CATEGORY?)null);
if (staticTilesDataDict != null && staticTilesDataDict.TryGetValue(currentLocationName, out var staticLocationDict))
if (staticLocationDict != null && staticLocationDict.TryGetValue(((short)x, (short)y), out var staticTile))
return (, includeCategory ? staticTile.category : (CATEGORY?)null);
return (null, includeCategory ? CATEGORY.Others : (CATEGORY?)null);
/// <summary>
/// Retrieves the tile name from the dictionaries based on the specified location and coordinates.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="x">The x-coordinate of the tile.</param>
/// <param name="y">The y-coordinate of the tile.</param>
/// <param name="currentLocationName">The name of the current location. Defaults to Game1.currentLocation.Name.</param>
/// <returns>The name of the tile if found, or null if not found.</returns>
public static string GetStaticTileNameAt(int x, int y, string currentLocationName = null)
var (name, _) = GetTileInfoAt(x, y, currentLocationName, includeCategory: false);
return name;
/// <summary>
/// Retrieves the tile information (name and category) from the dictionaries based on the specified location and coordinates.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="x">The x-coordinate of the tile.</param>
/// <param name="y">The y-coordinate of the tile.</param>
/// <param name="currentLocationName">The name of the current location. Defaults to Game1.currentLocation.Name.</param>
/// <returns>A tuple containing the tile's name and category. If the tile is not found, the name will be null and the category will be CATEGORY.Others.</returns>
public static (string? name, CATEGORY category) GetStaticTileInfoAtWithCategory(int x, int y, string currentLocationName = null)
var (name, category) = GetTileInfoAt(x, y, currentLocationName, includeCategory: true);
return (name, category ?? CATEGORY.Others);

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@ -1,11 +1,25 @@
namespace stardew_access.Features
/// <summary>
/// This is a custom enum class and contains the name of groups the objects are divided into for the feature
/// Represents categories that objects can belong to. This class provides predefined categories
/// accessible as static properties and supports adding new categories at runtime. Predefined categories
/// can be accessed like enum values, while both static and dynamic categories can be accessed via the
/// `Categories` property or the `FromString` method.
/// </summary>
public class CATEGORY
/// <remarks>
/// The CATEGORY.Others is used as a default value by the FromString method.
/// Use the FromString method to obtain an existing category.
/// Examples:
/// - Access a predefined category like an enum: CATEGORY.Farmers
/// - Obtain a category using the FromString method: CATEGORY.FromString("farmer")
/// - Add a new category: CATEGORY.AddNewCategory("custom_category")
/// - Retrieve a category using the public dictionary: CATEGORY.Categories["custom_category"]
/// - Obtain the string representation of a category: CATEGORY.Farmers.ToString()
/// </remarks>
public sealed class CATEGORY
private string _typeKeyWord;
private readonly string _typeKeyWord;
private CATEGORY(string typeKeyWord)
@ -17,79 +31,98 @@ namespace stardew_access.Features
return _typeKeyWord;
public static IReadOnlyDictionary<string, CATEGORY> Categories => _categories;
private static readonly Dictionary<string, CATEGORY> _categories = new Dictionary<string, CATEGORY>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
{"farmer", new CATEGORY("farmer")},
{"animal", new CATEGORY("animal")},
{"npc", new CATEGORY("npc")},
{"furniture", new CATEGORY("furniture")},
{"flooring", new CATEGORY("flooring")},
{"debris", new CATEGORY("debris")},
{"crop", new CATEGORY("crop")},
{"tree", new CATEGORY("tree")},
{"bush", new CATEGORY("bush")},
{"building", new CATEGORY("building")},
{"mine item", new CATEGORY("mine item")},
{"resource clump", new CATEGORY("resource clump")},
{"container", new CATEGORY("container")},
{"bundle", new CATEGORY("bundle")},
{"door", new CATEGORY("door")},
{"water", new CATEGORY("water")},
{"interactable", new CATEGORY("interactable")},
{"decoration", new CATEGORY("decoration")},
{"machine", new CATEGORY("machine")},
{"bridge", new CATEGORY("bridge")},
{"dropped item", new CATEGORY("dropped item")},
{"other", new CATEGORY("other")}
/// <summary>
/// Retrieves a CATEGORY instance by its string name.
/// Names are case-insensitive. If the name is not found, returns the 'Others' category.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="name">The string name of the category to retrieve.</param>
/// <returns>The CATEGORY instance corresponding to the given name or the 'Others' category if not found.</returns>
/// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">Thrown when the provided name is null.</exception>
public static CATEGORY FromString(string name)
if (name == "farmer")
return CATEGORY.Farmers;
else if (name == "animal")
return CATEGORY.FarmAnimals;
else if (name == "npc")
else if (name == "furniture")
return CATEGORY.Furnitures;
else if (name == "flooring")
return CATEGORY.Flooring;
else if (name == "debris")
return CATEGORY.Debris;
else if (name == "crop")
return CATEGORY.Crops;
else if (name == "tree")
return CATEGORY.Trees;
else if (name == "bush")
return CATEGORY.Bush;
else if (name == "building")
return CATEGORY.Buildings;
else if (name == "mine item")
return CATEGORY.MineItems;
else if (name == "resource clump")
return CATEGORY.ResourceClumps;
else if (name == "container")
return CATEGORY.Containers;
else if (name == "bundle")
return CATEGORY.JunimoBundle;
else if (name == "door")
return CATEGORY.Doors;
else if (name == "water")
return CATEGORY.WaterTiles;
else if (name == "interactable")
return CATEGORY.Interactables;
else if (name == "decoration")
return CATEGORY.Decor;
else if (name == "machine")
return CATEGORY.Machines;
else if (name == "bridge")
return CATEGORY.Bridges;
else if (name == "dropped item")
return CATEGORY.DroppedItems;
else if (name == "other")
return CATEGORY.Others;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
throw new ArgumentException("Category name cannot be null or empty.", nameof(name));
return Others;
return Categories.TryGetValue(name, out CATEGORY category) ? category : Others;
public static CATEGORY Farmers = new CATEGORY("farmer");
public static CATEGORY FarmAnimals = new CATEGORY("animal");
public static CATEGORY NPCs = new CATEGORY("npc");
public static CATEGORY Furnitures = new CATEGORY("furniture");
public static CATEGORY Flooring = new CATEGORY("flooring");
public static CATEGORY Debris = new CATEGORY("debris");
public static CATEGORY Crops = new CATEGORY("crop");
public static CATEGORY Trees = new CATEGORY("tree");
public static CATEGORY Bush = new CATEGORY("bush");
public static CATEGORY Buildings = new CATEGORY("building");
public static CATEGORY MineItems = new CATEGORY("mine item");
public static CATEGORY ResourceClumps = new CATEGORY("resource clump");
public static CATEGORY Containers = new CATEGORY("container");
public static CATEGORY JunimoBundle = new CATEGORY("bundle");
public static CATEGORY Doors = new CATEGORY("door"); // Also includes ladders and elevators
public static CATEGORY WaterTiles = new CATEGORY("water");
public static CATEGORY Interactables = new CATEGORY("interactable");
public static CATEGORY Decor = new CATEGORY("decoration");
public static CATEGORY Machines = new CATEGORY("machine");
public static CATEGORY Bridges = new CATEGORY("bridge");
public static CATEGORY DroppedItems = new CATEGORY("dropped item");
public static CATEGORY Others = new CATEGORY("other");
/// <summary>
/// Adds a new CATEGORY with the specified name.
/// Names are case-insensitive.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="name">The name of the new category to be added.</param>
/// <returns>
/// True if a new category was added; false if the category already exists.
/// </returns>
/// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">Thrown if the provided name is null or empty.</exception>
public static bool AddNewCategory(string name)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
throw new ArgumentException("Name cannot be null or empty.", nameof(name));
if (!Categories.ContainsKey(name))
_categories[name] = new CATEGORY(name);
return true;
return false;
public static CATEGORY Farmers => FromString("farmer");
public static CATEGORY FarmAnimals => FromString("animal");
public static CATEGORY NPCs => FromString("npc");
public static CATEGORY Furnitures => FromString("furniture");
public static CATEGORY Flooring => FromString("flooring");
public static CATEGORY Debris => FromString("debris");
public static CATEGORY Crops => FromString("crop");
public static CATEGORY Trees => FromString("tree");
public static CATEGORY Bush => FromString("bush");
public static CATEGORY Buildings => FromString("building");
public static CATEGORY MineItems => FromString("mine item");
public static CATEGORY ResourceClumps => FromString("resource clump");
public static CATEGORY Containers => FromString("container");
public static CATEGORY JunimoBundle => FromString("bundle");
public static CATEGORY Doors => FromString("door");
public static CATEGORY WaterTiles => FromString("water");
public static CATEGORY Interactables => FromString("interactable");
public static CATEGORY Decor => FromString("decoration");
public static CATEGORY Machines => FromString("machine");
public static CATEGORY Bridges => FromString("bridge");
public static CATEGORY DroppedItems => FromString("dropped item");
public static CATEGORY Others => FromString("other");
public enum MachineState

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@ -20,7 +20,6 @@ namespace stardew_access
private Harmony? harmony;
private static IMonitor? monitor;
private static Radar? radarFeature;
private static StaticTiles? sTiles;
private static IScreenReader? screenReader;
private static IModHelper? modHelper;
private static TileViewer? tileViewer;
@ -30,17 +29,6 @@ namespace stardew_access
internal static ModConfig Config { get => config; set => config = value; }
public static IModHelper? ModHelper { get => modHelper; }
public static StaticTiles STiles
if (sTiles == null)
sTiles = new StaticTiles();
return sTiles;
set => sTiles = value;
public static Radar RadarFeature
@ -162,8 +150,8 @@ namespace stardew_access
private void onGameLaunched(object? sender, GameLaunchedEventArgs? e)
if (sTiles is not null)
private void onUpdateTicked(object? sender, UpdateTickedEventArgs? e)