
466 lines
20 KiB

using Microsoft.Xna.Framework;
using stardew_access.Patches;
using StardewModdingAPI;
using StardewValley;
using StardewValley.Buildings;
using StardewValley.Menus;
namespace stardew_access
internal class CustomCommands
internal static void Initialize()
IModHelper helper = MainClass.ModHelper;
helper.ConsoleCommands.Add("readtile", "Toggle read tile feature.", (string commmand, string[] args) =>
MainClass.readTile = !MainClass.readTile;
MainClass.GetMonitor().Log("Read Tile is " + (MainClass.readTile ? "on" : "off"), LogLevel.Info);
helper.ConsoleCommands.Add("snapmouse", "Toggle snap mouse feature.", (string commmand, string[] args) =>
MainClass.snapMouse = !MainClass.snapMouse;
MainClass.GetMonitor().Log("Snap Mouse is " + (MainClass.snapMouse ? "on" : "off"), LogLevel.Info);
helper.ConsoleCommands.Add("radar", "Toggle radar feature.", (string commmand, string[] args) =>
MainClass.radar = !MainClass.radar;
MainClass.GetMonitor().Log("Radar " + (MainClass.radar ? "on" : "off"), LogLevel.Info);
#region Radar Feature
helper.ConsoleCommands.Add("rdebug", "Toggle debugging in radar feature.", (string commmand, string[] args) =>
MainClass.radarDebug = !MainClass.radarDebug;
MainClass.GetMonitor().Log("Radar debugging " + (MainClass.radarDebug ? "on" : "off"), LogLevel.Info);
helper.ConsoleCommands.Add("rstereo", "Toggle stereo sound in radar feature.", (string commmand, string[] args) =>
MainClass.radarStereoSound = !MainClass.radarStereoSound;
MainClass.GetMonitor().Log("Stereo sound is " + (MainClass.radarStereoSound ? "on" : "off"), LogLevel.Info);
helper.ConsoleCommands.Add("rfocus", "Toggle focus mode in radar feature.", (string commmand, string[] args) =>
bool focus = MainClass.RadarFeature.ToggleFocus();
MainClass.GetMonitor().Log("Focus mode is " + (focus ? "on" : "off"), LogLevel.Info);
helper.ConsoleCommands.Add("rdelay", "Set the delay of radar feature in milliseconds.", (string commmand, string[] args) =>
string? delayInString = null;
if (args.Length > 0)
delayInString = args[0];
int delay;
bool isParsable = int.TryParse(delayInString, out delay);
if (isParsable)
MainClass.RadarFeature.delay = delay;
if (delay >= 1000)
MainClass.GetMonitor().Log($"Delay set to {MainClass.RadarFeature.delay} milliseconds.", LogLevel.Info);
MainClass.GetMonitor().Log($"Delay should be atleast 1 second or 1000 millisecond long.", LogLevel.Info);
MainClass.GetMonitor().Log("Invalid delay amount, it can only be in numeric form.", LogLevel.Info);
MainClass.GetMonitor().Log("Enter the delay amount (in milliseconds)!", LogLevel.Info);
helper.ConsoleCommands.Add("rrange", "Set the range of radar feature.", (string commmand, string[] args) =>
string? rangeInString = null;
if (args.Length > 0)
rangeInString = args[0];
int range;
bool isParsable = int.TryParse(rangeInString, out range);
if (isParsable)
MainClass.RadarFeature.range = range;
if (range >= 2 && range <= 10)
MainClass.GetMonitor().Log($"Range set to {MainClass.RadarFeature.range}.", LogLevel.Info);
MainClass.GetMonitor().Log($"Range should be atleast 2 and maximum 10.", LogLevel.Info);
MainClass.GetMonitor().Log("Invalid range amount, it can only be in numeric form.", LogLevel.Info);
MainClass.GetMonitor().Log("Enter the range amount!", LogLevel.Info);
#region Exclusions
helper.ConsoleCommands.Add("readd", "Add an object key to the exclusions list of radar feature.", (string commmand, string[] args) =>
string? keyToAdd = null;
for (int i = 0; i < args.Count(); i++) { keyToAdd += " " + args[i]; }
if (keyToAdd != null)
keyToAdd = keyToAdd.Trim().ToLower();
if (!MainClass.RadarFeature.exclusions.Contains(keyToAdd))
MainClass.GetMonitor().Log($"Added {keyToAdd} key to exclusions list.", LogLevel.Info);
MainClass.GetMonitor().Log($"{keyToAdd} key already present in the list.", LogLevel.Info);
MainClass.GetMonitor().Log("Unable to add the key to exclusions list.", LogLevel.Info);
helper.ConsoleCommands.Add("reremove", "Remove an object key from the exclusions list of radar feature.", (string commmand, string[] args) =>
string? keyToAdd = null;
for (int i = 0; i < args.Count(); i++) { keyToAdd += " " + args[i]; }
if (keyToAdd != null)
keyToAdd = keyToAdd.Trim().ToLower();
if (MainClass.RadarFeature.exclusions.Contains(keyToAdd))
MainClass.GetMonitor().Log($"Removed {keyToAdd} key from exclusions list.", LogLevel.Info);
MainClass.GetMonitor().Log($"Cannot find {keyToAdd} key in exclusions list.", LogLevel.Info);
MainClass.GetMonitor().Log("Unable to remove the key from exclusions list.", LogLevel.Info);
helper.ConsoleCommands.Add("relist", "List all the exclusions in the radar feature.", (string commmand, string[] args) =>
if (MainClass.RadarFeature.exclusions.Count > 0)
string toPrint = "";
for (int i = 0; i < MainClass.RadarFeature.exclusions.Count; i++)
toPrint = $"{toPrint}\t{i + 1}: {MainClass.RadarFeature.exclusions[i]}";
MainClass.GetMonitor().Log(toPrint, LogLevel.Info);
MainClass.GetMonitor().Log("No exclusions found.", LogLevel.Info);
helper.ConsoleCommands.Add("reclear", "Clear the focus exclusions in the radar featrure.", (string commmand, string[] args) =>
MainClass.GetMonitor().Log($"Cleared the focus list in the exclusions feature.", LogLevel.Info);
helper.ConsoleCommands.Add("recount", "Number of exclusions in the radar feature.", (string commmand, string[] args) =>
MainClass.GetMonitor().Log($"There are {MainClass.RadarFeature.exclusions.Count} exclusiond in the radar feature.", LogLevel.Info);
#region Focus
helper.ConsoleCommands.Add("rfadd", "Add an object key to the focus list of radar feature.", (string commmand, string[] args) =>
string? keyToAdd = null;
for (int i = 0; i < args.Count(); i++) { keyToAdd += " " + args[i]; }
if (keyToAdd != null)
keyToAdd = keyToAdd.Trim().ToLower();
if (!MainClass.RadarFeature.focus.Contains(keyToAdd))
MainClass.GetMonitor().Log($"Added {keyToAdd} key to focus list.", LogLevel.Info);
MainClass.GetMonitor().Log($"{keyToAdd} key already present in the list.", LogLevel.Info);
MainClass.GetMonitor().Log("Unable to add the key to focus list.", LogLevel.Info);
helper.ConsoleCommands.Add("rfremove", "Remove an object key from the focus list of radar feature.", (string commmand, string[] args) =>
string? keyToAdd = null;
for (int i = 0; i < args.Count(); i++) { keyToAdd += " " + args[i]; }
if (keyToAdd != null)
keyToAdd = keyToAdd.Trim().ToLower();
if (MainClass.RadarFeature.focus.Contains(keyToAdd))
MainClass.GetMonitor().Log($"Removed {keyToAdd} key from focus list.", LogLevel.Info);
MainClass.GetMonitor().Log($"Cannot find {keyToAdd} key in focus list.", LogLevel.Info);
MainClass.GetMonitor().Log("Unable to remove the key from focus list.", LogLevel.Info);
helper.ConsoleCommands.Add("rflist", "List all the exclusions in the radar feature.", (string commmand, string[] args) =>
if (MainClass.RadarFeature.focus.Count > 0)
string toPrint = "";
for (int i = 0; i < MainClass.RadarFeature.focus.Count; i++)
toPrint = $"{toPrint}\t{i + 1}): {MainClass.RadarFeature.focus[i]}";
MainClass.GetMonitor().Log(toPrint, LogLevel.Info);
MainClass.GetMonitor().Log("No objects found in the focus list.", LogLevel.Info);
helper.ConsoleCommands.Add("rfclear", "Clear the focus list in the radar featrure.", (string commmand, string[] args) =>
MainClass.GetMonitor().Log($"Cleared the focus list in the radar feature.", LogLevel.Info);
helper.ConsoleCommands.Add("rfcount", "Number of list in the radar feature.", (string commmand, string[] args) =>
MainClass.GetMonitor().Log($"There are {MainClass.RadarFeature.focus.Count} objects in the focus list in the radar feature.", LogLevel.Info);
#region Tile marking
helper.ConsoleCommands.Add("mark", "Marks the player's position for use in building construction in Carpenter Menu.", (string commmand, string[] args) =>
if (Game1.currentLocation is not Farm)
MainClass.GetMonitor().Log("Can only use this command in the farm", LogLevel.Info);
string? indexInString = args.ElementAtOrDefault(0);
if (indexInString == null)
MainClass.GetMonitor().Log("Enter the index too!", LogLevel.Info);
int index;
bool isParsable = int.TryParse(indexInString, out index);
if (!isParsable || !(index >= 0 && index <= 9))
MainClass.GetMonitor().Log("Index can only be a number and from 0 to 9 only", LogLevel.Info);
BuildingNAnimalMenuPatches.marked[index] = new Vector2((int)Game1.player.getTileX(), (int)Game1.player.getTileY());
MainClass.GetMonitor().Log($"Location {(int)Game1.player.getTileX()}x {(int)Game1.player.getTileY()}y added at {index} index.", LogLevel.Info);
helper.ConsoleCommands.Add("marklist", "List all marked positions.", (string commmand, string[] args) =>
string toPrint = "";
for (int i = 0; i < BuildingNAnimalMenuPatches.marked.Length; i++)
if (BuildingNAnimalMenuPatches.marked[i] != Vector2.Zero)
toPrint = $"{toPrint}\n Index {i}: {BuildingNAnimalMenuPatches.marked[i].X}x {BuildingNAnimalMenuPatches.marked[i].Y}y";
if (toPrint == "")
MainClass.GetMonitor().Log("No positions marked!", LogLevel.Info);
MainClass.GetMonitor().Log($"Marked positions:{toPrint}\nOpen command menu and use pageup and pagedown to check the list", LogLevel.Info);
helper.ConsoleCommands.Add("buildlist", "List all buildings for selection for upgrading/demolishing/painting", (string commmand, string[] args) =>
if ((Game1.activeClickableMenu is not CarpenterMenu && Game1.activeClickableMenu is not PurchaseAnimalsMenu) || !BuildingNAnimalMenuPatches.isOnFarm)
MainClass.GetMonitor().Log($"Cannot list buildings.", LogLevel.Info);
string toPrint = "";
Farm farm = (Farm)Game1.getLocationFromName("Farm");
Netcode.NetCollection<Building> buildings = farm.buildings;
int buildingIndex = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < buildings.Count; i++)
string? name = buildings[i].nameOfIndoorsWithoutUnique;
name = (name == "null") ? buildings[i].buildingType.Value : name;
BuildingNAnimalMenuPatches.availableBuildings[buildingIndex] = buildings[i];
toPrint = $"{toPrint}\nIndex {buildingIndex}: {name}: At {buildings[i].tileX}x and {buildings[i].tileY}y";
if (toPrint == "")
MainClass.GetMonitor().Log("No appropriate buildings to list", LogLevel.Info);
MainClass.GetMonitor().Log($"Available buildings:{toPrint}\nOpen command menu and use pageup and pagedown to check the list", LogLevel.Info);
helper.ConsoleCommands.Add("buildsel", "Select the building index which you want to upgrade/demolish/paint", (string commmand, string[] args) =>
if ((Game1.activeClickableMenu is not CarpenterMenu && Game1.activeClickableMenu is not PurchaseAnimalsMenu) || !BuildingNAnimalMenuPatches.isOnFarm)
MainClass.GetMonitor().Log($"Cannot select building.", LogLevel.Info);
string? indexInString = args.ElementAtOrDefault(0);
if (indexInString == null)
MainClass.GetMonitor().Log("Enter the index of the building too! Use buildlist", LogLevel.Info);
int index;
bool isParsable = int.TryParse(indexInString, out index);
if (!isParsable)
MainClass.GetMonitor().Log("Index can only be a number.", LogLevel.Info);
string? positionIndexInString = args.ElementAtOrDefault(1);
int positionIndex = 0;
if (BuildingNAnimalMenuPatches.isMoving)
if (BuildingNAnimalMenuPatches.isConstructing || BuildingNAnimalMenuPatches.isMoving)
if (BuildingNAnimalMenuPatches.availableBuildings[index] == null)
MainClass.GetMonitor().Log($"No building found with index {index}. Use buildlist.", LogLevel.Info);
if (positionIndexInString == null)
MainClass.GetMonitor().Log("Enter the index of marked place too! Use marklist.", LogLevel.Info);
isParsable = int.TryParse(positionIndexInString, out positionIndex);
if (!isParsable)
MainClass.GetMonitor().Log("Index can only be a number.", LogLevel.Info);
else if (BuildingNAnimalMenuPatches.isConstructing && !BuildingNAnimalMenuPatches.isUpgrading)
if (BuildingNAnimalMenuPatches.marked[index] == Vector2.Zero)
MainClass.GetMonitor().Log($"No marked position found at {index} index.", LogLevel.Info);
if (BuildingNAnimalMenuPatches.availableBuildings[index] == null)
MainClass.GetMonitor().Log($"No building found with index {index}. Use buildlist.", LogLevel.Info);
string? response = null;
if (Game1.activeClickableMenu is PurchaseAnimalsMenu) { BuildingNAnimalMenuPatches.PurchaseAnimal(BuildingNAnimalMenuPatches.availableBuildings[index]); }
if (BuildingNAnimalMenuPatches.isConstructing && !BuildingNAnimalMenuPatches.isUpgrading) { response = BuildingNAnimalMenuPatches.Contstruct(BuildingNAnimalMenuPatches.marked[index]); }
else if (BuildingNAnimalMenuPatches.isMoving) { response = BuildingNAnimalMenuPatches.Move(BuildingNAnimalMenuPatches.availableBuildings[index], BuildingNAnimalMenuPatches.marked[positionIndex]); }
else if (BuildingNAnimalMenuPatches.isDemolishing) { response = BuildingNAnimalMenuPatches.Demolish(BuildingNAnimalMenuPatches.availableBuildings[index]); }
else if (BuildingNAnimalMenuPatches.isUpgrading) { response = BuildingNAnimalMenuPatches.Upgrade(BuildingNAnimalMenuPatches.availableBuildings[index]); }
else if (BuildingNAnimalMenuPatches.isPainting) { response = BuildingNAnimalMenuPatches.Paint(BuildingNAnimalMenuPatches.availableBuildings[index]); }
if (response != null)
MainClass.GetMonitor().Log(response, LogLevel.Info);
helper.ConsoleCommands.Add("refsr", "Refresh screen reader", (string commmand, string[] args) =>
MainClass.GetMonitor().Log("Screen Reader refreshed!", LogLevel.Info);