942 lines
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942 lines
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using Microsoft.Xna.Framework;
using StardewValley;
using StardewValley.Buildings;
using StardewValley.Locations;
using StardewValley.Objects;
using StardewValley.TerrainFeatures;
namespace stardew_access.Features
public class TileInfo
public static string[] trackable_machines = { "bee house", "cask", "press", "keg", "machine", "maker", "preserves jar", "bone mill", "kiln", "crystalarium", "furnace", "geode crusher", "tapper", "lightning rod", "incubator", "wood chipper", "worm bin", "loom" };
///<summary>Returns the name of the object at tile alongwith it's category's name</summary>
public static (string? name, string? categoryName) getNameWithCategoryNameAtTile(Vector2 tile)
(string? name, CATEGORY? category) tileDetail = getNameWithCategoryAtTile(tile);
if (tileDetail.category == null)
tileDetail.category = CATEGORY.Others;
return (tileDetail.name, tileDetail.category.ToString());
///<summary>Returns the name of the object at tile</summary>
public static string? getNameAtTile(Vector2 tile)
return getNameWithCategoryAtTile(tile).name;
///<summary>Returns the name of the object at tile alongwith it's category</summary>
public static (string? name, CATEGORY? category) getNameWithCategoryAtTile(Vector2 tile)
int x = (int)tile.X;
int y = (int)tile.Y;
string? toReturn = "";
CATEGORY? category = CATEGORY.Others;
bool isColliding = isCollidingAtTile(x, y);
Dictionary<Vector2, Netcode.NetRef<TerrainFeature>> terrainFeature = Game1.currentLocation.terrainFeatures.FieldDict;
string? door = getDoorAtTile(x, y);
(CATEGORY? category, string? name) dynamicTile = getDynamicTilesInfo(x, y);
string? junimoBundle = getJunimoBundleAt(x, y);
string? resourceClump = getResourceClumpAtTile(x, y);
string? farmAnimal = getFarmAnimalAt(Game1.currentLocation, x, y);
string? parrot = getParrotPerchAtTile(x, y);
(string? name, CATEGORY category) staticTile = MainClass.STiles.getStaticTileInfoAtWithCategory(x, y);
if (Game1.currentLocation.isCharacterAtTile(tile) != null)
NPC npc = Game1.currentLocation.isCharacterAtTile(tile);
toReturn = npc.displayName;
if (npc.isVillager() || npc.CanSocialize)
category = CATEGORY.Farmers;
category = CATEGORY.NPCs;
else if (farmAnimal != null)
toReturn = farmAnimal;
category = CATEGORY.FarmAnimals;
else if (staticTile.name != null)
toReturn = staticTile.name;
category = staticTile.category;
else if (dynamicTile.name != null)
toReturn = dynamicTile.name;
category = dynamicTile.category;
else if (Game1.currentLocation is VolcanoDungeon && ((VolcanoDungeon)Game1.currentLocation).IsCooledLava(x, y))
toReturn = "Cooled lava";
category = CATEGORY.WaterTiles;
else if (Game1.currentLocation is VolcanoDungeon && StardewValley.Monsters.LavaLurk.IsLavaTile((VolcanoDungeon)Game1.currentLocation, x, y))
toReturn = "Lava";
category = CATEGORY.WaterTiles;
else if (Game1.currentLocation.isWaterTile(x, y) && isColliding)
toReturn = "Water";
category = CATEGORY.WaterTiles;
else if (Game1.currentLocation.isObjectAtTile(x, y))
(string? name, CATEGORY? category) obj = getObjectAtTile(x, y);
toReturn = obj.name;
category = obj.category;
else if (terrainFeature.ContainsKey(tile))
(string? name, CATEGORY category) tf = getTerrainFeatureAtTile(terrainFeature[tile]);
string? terrain = tf.name;
if (terrain != null)
toReturn = terrain;
category = tf.category;
else if (Game1.currentLocation.getLargeTerrainFeatureAt(x, y) != null)
toReturn = getBushAtTile(x, y);
category = CATEGORY.Bush;
else if (resourceClump != null)
toReturn = resourceClump;
category = CATEGORY.ResourceClumps;
else if (door != null)
toReturn = door;
category = CATEGORY.Doors;
else if (isMineDownLadderAtTile(x, y))
toReturn = "Ladder";
category = CATEGORY.Doors;
else if (isMineUpLadderAtTile(x, y))
toReturn = "Up Ladder";
category = CATEGORY.Doors;
else if (isElevatorAtTile(x, y))
toReturn = "Elevator";
category = CATEGORY.Doors;
else if (parrot != null)
toReturn = parrot;
category = CATEGORY.Buildings;
else if (junimoBundle != null)
toReturn = junimoBundle;
category = CATEGORY.JunimoBundle;
if (toReturn == "")
return (null, category);
return (toReturn, category);
public static string? getBushAtTile(int x, int y)
string? toReturn = null;
Bush bush = (Bush)Game1.currentLocation.getLargeTerrainFeatureAt(x, y);
int size = bush.size.Value;
#region Check if bush is harvestable or not
if (!bush.townBush.Value && (int)bush.tileSheetOffset.Value == 1 && bush.inBloom(Game1.GetSeasonForLocation(Game1.currentLocation), Game1.dayOfMonth))
// Taken from the game's code
string season = ((int)bush.overrideSeason.Value == -1) ? Game1.GetSeasonForLocation(Game1.currentLocation) : Utility.getSeasonNameFromNumber(bush.overrideSeason.Value);
int shakeOff = -1;
if (!(season == "spring"))
if (season == "fall")
shakeOff = 410;
shakeOff = 296;
if ((int)size == 3)
shakeOff = 815;
if ((int)size == 4)
shakeOff = 73;
if (shakeOff == -1)
return null;
toReturn = "Harvestable";
if (bush.townBush.Value)
toReturn = $"{toReturn} Town Bush";
else if (bush.greenhouseBush.Value)
toReturn = $"{toReturn} Greenhouse Bush";
toReturn = $"{toReturn} Bush";
return toReturn;
public static string? getJunimoBundleAt(int x, int y)
string? name = null;
if (Game1.currentLocation is CommunityCenter communityCenter)
name = (x, y) switch
(14, 5) => "Pantry",
(14, 23) => "Crafts Room",
(40, 10) => "Fish Tank",
(63, 14) => "Boiler Room",
(55, 6) => "Vault",
(46, 11) => "Bulletin Board",
_ => null,
if (name != null && communityCenter.shouldNoteAppearInArea(CommunityCenter.getAreaNumberFromName(name)))
return $"{name} bundle";
else if (Game1.currentLocation is AbandonedJojaMart)
name = (x, y) switch
(8, 8) => "Missing",
_ => null,
if (name != null)
return $"{name} bundle";
return null;
public static bool isCollidingAtTile(int x, int y)
Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(x * 64 + 1, y * 64 + 1, 62, 62);
if (Game1.currentLocation.isCollidingPosition(rect, Game1.viewport, true, 0, glider: false, Game1.player, pathfinding: true))
return true;
if (Game1.currentLocation is Woods && getStumpsInWoods(x, y) != null)
return true;
return false;
public static string? getFarmAnimalAt(GameLocation? location, int x, int y, bool onlyName = false)
if (location == null)
return null;
if (location is not Farm && location is not AnimalHouse)
return null;
List<FarmAnimal>? farmAnimals = null;
if (location is Farm)
farmAnimals = ((Farm)location).getAllFarmAnimals();
else if (location is AnimalHouse)
farmAnimals = ((AnimalHouse)location).animals.Values.ToList();
if (farmAnimals == null || farmAnimals.Count <= 0)
return null;
for (int i = 0; i < farmAnimals.Count; i++)
int fx = farmAnimals[i].getTileX();
int fy = farmAnimals[i].getTileY();
if (fx.Equals(x) && fy.Equals(y))
string name = farmAnimals[i].displayName;
int age = farmAnimals[i].age.Value;
string type = farmAnimals[i].displayType;
if (onlyName)
return name;
return $"{name}, {type}, age {age}";
return null;
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="x"></param>
/// <param name="y"></param>
/// <returns>category: This is the category of the tile. Default to Furnitures.
/// <br/>name: This is the name of the tile. Default to null if the tile tile has nothing on it.</returns>
public static (CATEGORY? category, string? name) getDynamicTilesInfo(int x, int y)
if (Game1.currentLocation is Farm farm)
Building building = farm.getBuildingAt(new Vector2(x, y));
if (building != null)
if ((building.humanDoor.Value.X + building.tileX.Value) == x && (building.humanDoor.Value.Y + building.tileY.Value) == y)
return (CATEGORY.Doors, building.buildingType.Value + " Door");
else if ((building.animalDoor.Value.X + building.tileX.Value) == x && (building.animalDoor.Value.Y + building.tileY.Value) == y)
return (CATEGORY.Doors, building.buildingType.Value + " Animal Door " + ((building.animalDoorOpen.Value) ? "Opened" : "Closed"));
return (CATEGORY.Buildings, building.buildingType.Value);
else if (Game1.currentLocation is Town)
if (SpecialOrder.IsSpecialOrdersBoardUnlocked() && x == 62 && y == 93)
return (CATEGORY.Interactables, "Special quest board");
else if (Game1.currentLocation is FarmHouse farmHouse)
if (farmHouse.getEntryLocation().X == x && farmHouse.getEntryLocation().Y == y)
return (CATEGORY.Doors, "Exit");
else if (farmHouse.upgradeLevel >= 1)
if (farmHouse.getKitchenStandingSpot().X == x && (farmHouse.getKitchenStandingSpot().Y - 1) == y) // Standing spot is where the player will stand
return (CATEGORY.Interactables, "Kitchen");
else if (farmHouse.fridgePosition.X == x && farmHouse.fridgePosition.Y == y)
return (CATEGORY.Interactables, "Fridge");
else if (Game1.currentLocation is IslandFarmHouse islandFarmHouse)
if (x == 14 && y == 17)
return (CATEGORY.Doors, "Exit");
else if ((islandFarmHouse.fridgePosition.X - 1) == x && islandFarmHouse.fridgePosition.Y == y)
return (CATEGORY.Interactables, "Kitchen");
else if (islandFarmHouse.fridgePosition.X == x && islandFarmHouse.fridgePosition.Y == y)
return (CATEGORY.Interactables, "Fridge");
else if (Game1.currentLocation is Forest forest)
if (forest.travelingMerchantDay && x == 27 && y == 11)
return (CATEGORY.Interactables, "Travelling Cart");
else if (forest.log != null && x == 2 && y == 7)
return (CATEGORY.Interactables, "Log");
else if (forest.log == null && x == 0 && y == 7)
return (CATEGORY.Doors, "Secret Woods Entrance");
else if (Game1.currentLocation is Beach beach)
if (x == 58 && y == 13)
if (!beach.bridgeFixed.Value)
return (CATEGORY.Interactables, "Repair Bridge");
return (CATEGORY.Bridges, "Bridge");
else if (Game1.currentLocation is CommunityCenter communityCenter)
if (communityCenter.missedRewardsChestVisible.Value && x == 22 && y == 10)
return (CATEGORY.Chests, "Missed Rewards Chest");
else if (Game1.currentLocation is BoatTunnel)
if (x == 4 && y == 9)
return (CATEGORY.Interactables, ((!Game1.MasterPlayer.hasOrWillReceiveMail("willyBoatFixed")) ? "Repair " : "") + "Ticket Machine");
else if (x == 6 && y == 8)
return (((!Game1.MasterPlayer.hasOrWillReceiveMail("willyBoatHull")) ? CATEGORY.Interactables : CATEGORY.Decor), ((!Game1.MasterPlayer.hasOrWillReceiveMail("willyBoatHull")) ? "Repair " : "") + "Boat Hull");
else if (x == 8 && y == 9)
return (((!Game1.MasterPlayer.hasOrWillReceiveMail("willyBoatAnchor")) ? CATEGORY.Interactables : CATEGORY.Decor), ((!Game1.MasterPlayer.hasOrWillReceiveMail("willyBoatAnchor")) ? "Repair " : "") + "Boat Anchor");
else if (Game1.currentLocation is IslandWest islandWest)
if (islandWest.shippingBinPosition.X == x && islandWest.shippingBinPosition.Y == y)
return (CATEGORY.Interactables, "Shipping Bin");
else if (Game1.currentLocation is IslandNorth islandNorth)
if (islandNorth.traderActivated.Value && x == 36 && y == 71)
return (CATEGORY.Interactables, "Island Trader");
return (null, null);
public static (string? name, CATEGORY category) getTerrainFeatureAtTile(Netcode.NetRef<TerrainFeature> terrain)
string? toReturn = null;
CATEGORY category = CATEGORY.Others;
if (terrain.Get() is HoeDirt)
category = CATEGORY.Crops;
HoeDirt dirt = (HoeDirt)terrain.Get();
if (dirt.crop != null && !dirt.crop.forageCrop.Value)
string cropName = Game1.objectInformation[dirt.crop.indexOfHarvest.Value].Split('/')[0];
toReturn = $"{cropName}";
bool isWatered = dirt.state.Value == HoeDirt.watered;
bool isHarvestable = dirt.readyForHarvest();
bool isFertilized = dirt.fertilizer.Value != HoeDirt.noFertilizer;
if (isWatered)
toReturn = "Watered " + toReturn;
if (isFertilized)
toReturn = "Fertilized " + toReturn;
if (isHarvestable)
toReturn = "Harvestable " + toReturn;
else if (dirt.crop != null && dirt.crop.forageCrop.Value)
toReturn = dirt.crop.whichForageCrop.Value switch
1 => "Spring onion",
2 => "Ginger",
_ => "Forageable crop"
toReturn = "Soil";
bool isWatered = dirt.state.Value == HoeDirt.watered;
bool isFertilized = dirt.fertilizer.Value != HoeDirt.noFertilizer;
if (isWatered)
toReturn = "Watered " + toReturn;
if (isFertilized)
toReturn = "Fertilized " + toReturn;
else if (terrain.Get() is GiantCrop)
category = CATEGORY.Crops;
int whichCrop = ((GiantCrop)terrain.Get()).which.Value;
switch (whichCrop)
case 0:
toReturn = "Cauliflower";
case 1:
toReturn = "Melon";
case 2:
toReturn = "Pumpkin";
else if (terrain.Get() is CosmeticPlant)
category = CATEGORY.Furnitures;
CosmeticPlant cosmeticPlant = (CosmeticPlant)terrain.Get();
toReturn = cosmeticPlant.textureName().ToLower();
if (toReturn.Contains("terrain"))
toReturn.Replace("terrain", "");
if (toReturn.Contains("feature"))
toReturn.Replace("feature", "");
else if (terrain.Get() is Flooring && MainClass.Config.ReadFlooring)
category = CATEGORY.Flooring;
Flooring flooring = (Flooring)terrain.Get();
bool isPathway = flooring.isPathway.Get();
bool isSteppingStone = flooring.isSteppingStone.Get();
toReturn = "Flooring";
if (isPathway)
toReturn = "Pathway";
if (isSteppingStone)
toReturn = "Stepping Stone";
else if (terrain.Get() is FruitTree)
category = CATEGORY.Trees;
toReturn = getFruitTree((FruitTree)terrain.Get());
else if (terrain.Get() is Grass)
category = CATEGORY.Debris;
toReturn = "Grass";
else if (terrain.Get() is Tree)
category = CATEGORY.Trees;
toReturn = getTree((Tree)terrain.Get());
else if (terrain.Get() is Quartz)
category = CATEGORY.MineItems;
toReturn = "Quartz";
return (toReturn, category);
public static string getFruitTree(FruitTree fruitTree)
int stage = fruitTree.growthStage.Value;
int fruitIndex = fruitTree.indexOfFruit.Get();
string toReturn = Game1.objectInformation[fruitIndex].Split('/')[0];
if (stage == 0)
toReturn = $"{toReturn} seed";
else if (stage == 1)
toReturn = $"{toReturn} sprout";
else if (stage == 2)
toReturn = $"{toReturn} sapling";
else if (stage == 3)
toReturn = $"{toReturn} bush";
else if (stage >= 4)
toReturn = $"{toReturn} tree";
if (fruitTree.fruitsOnTree.Value > 0)
toReturn = $"Harvestable {toReturn}";
return toReturn;
public static string getTree(Tree tree)
int treeType = tree.treeType.Value;
int treeStage = tree.growthStage.Value;
string treeName = "tree";
string seedName = "";
// Return with the name if it's one of the 3 special trees
switch (treeType)
case 4:
case 5:
return "Winter Tree";
case 6:
return "Palm Tree";
case 7:
return "Mushroom Tree";
if (treeType <= 3)
seedName = Game1.objectInformation[308 + treeType].Split('/')[0];
else if (treeType == 8)
seedName = Game1.objectInformation[292].Split('/')[0];
if (treeStage >= 1)
switch (seedName.ToLower())
case "mahogany seed":
treeName = "Mahogany";
case "acorn":
treeName = "Oak";
case "maple seed":
treeName = "Maple";
case "pine cone":
treeName = "Pine";
treeName = "Coconut";
if (treeStage == 1)
treeName = $"{treeName} sprout";
else if (treeStage == 2)
treeName = $"{treeName} sapling";
else if (treeStage == 3 || treeStage == 4)
treeName = $"{treeName} bush";
else if (treeStage >= 5)
treeName = $"{treeName} tree";
return treeName;
return seedName;
#region Objects
public static (string? name, CATEGORY category) getObjectAtTile(int x, int y)
(string? name, CATEGORY category) toReturn = (null, CATEGORY.Others);
StardewValley.Object obj = Game1.currentLocation.getObjectAtTile(x, y);
int index = obj.ParentSheetIndex;
toReturn.name = obj.DisplayName;
// Get object names based on index
(string? name, CATEGORY category) correctNameAndCategory = getCorrectNameAndCategoryFromIndex(index);
if (correctNameAndCategory.name != null)
toReturn = correctNameAndCategory;
if (toReturn.name.ToLower().Equals("stone")) // Fix for `Busy stone`
toReturn.category = CATEGORY.Debris;
if (obj is Chest)
Chest chest = (Chest)obj;
toReturn = (chest.DisplayName, CATEGORY.Chests);
else if (obj is Furniture)
toReturn.category = CATEGORY.Furnitures;
else if (obj.Type == "Crafting" && obj.bigCraftable.Value)
foreach (string machine in trackable_machines)
if (obj.Name.ToLower().Contains(machine))
toReturn.name = obj.DisplayName;
toReturn.category = CATEGORY.Machines;
if (toReturn.category == CATEGORY.Others) // Fix for `Harvestable table` and `Busy nodes`
MachineState machineState = GetMachineState(obj);
if (machineState == MachineState.Ready)
toReturn.name = $"Harvestable {toReturn.name}";
else if (machineState == MachineState.Busy)
toReturn.name = $"Busy {toReturn.name}";
return toReturn;
private static MachineState GetMachineState(StardewValley.Object machine)
if (machine is CrabPot crabPot)
if (crabPot.bait.Value is not null && crabPot.heldObject.Value is null)
return MachineState.Busy;
return GetMachineState(machine.readyForHarvest.Value, machine.MinutesUntilReady, machine.heldObject.Value);
private static MachineState GetMachineState(bool readyForHarvest, int minutesUntilReady, StardewValley.Object? heldObject)
if (readyForHarvest || (heldObject is not null && minutesUntilReady <= 0))
return MachineState.Ready;
else if (minutesUntilReady > 0)
return MachineState.Busy;
return MachineState.Waiting;
private static (string? name, CATEGORY category) getCorrectNameAndCategoryFromIndex(int index)
switch (index)
case 313:
case 314:
case 315:
case 316:
case 317:
case 318:
case 452:
case 674:
case 675:
case 676:
case 677:
case 678:
case 679:
case 750:
case 784:
case 785:
case 786:
return ("Weed", CATEGORY.Debris);
case 792:
case 793:
case 794:
return ("Fertile weed", CATEGORY.Debris);
case 319:
case 320:
case 321:
return ("Ice crystal", CATEGORY.Debris);
case 75:
return ("Geode", CATEGORY.MineItems);
case 32:
case 34:
case 36:
case 38:
case 40:
case 42:
case 48:
case 50:
case 52:
case 54:
case 56:
case 58:
return ("Coloured stone", CATEGORY.Debris);
case 668:
case 670:
case 845:
case 846:
case 847:
return ("Mine stone", CATEGORY.MineItems);
case 818:
return ("Clay stone", CATEGORY.Debris);
case 816:
case 817:
return ("Fossil stone", CATEGORY.Debris);
case 118:
case 120:
case 122:
case 124:
return ("Barrel", CATEGORY.MineItems);
case 119:
case 121:
case 123:
case 125:
return ("Item box", CATEGORY.MineItems);
if (Game1.currentLocation is Mine or MineShaft)
switch (index)
case 76:
return ("Frozen geode", CATEGORY.MineItems);
case 77:
return ("Magma geode", CATEGORY.MineItems);
case 8:
case 66:
return ("Amethyst node", CATEGORY.MineItems);
case 14:
case 62:
return ("Aquamarine node", CATEGORY.MineItems);
case 843:
case 844:
return ("Cinder shard node", CATEGORY.MineItems);
case 2:
case 72:
return ("Diamond node", CATEGORY.MineItems);
case 12:
case 60:
return ("Emerald node", CATEGORY.MineItems);
case 44:
return ("Gem node", CATEGORY.MineItems);
case 6:
case 70:
return ("Jade node", CATEGORY.MineItems);
case 46:
return ("Mystic stone", CATEGORY.MineItems);
case 74:
return ("Prismatic node", CATEGORY.MineItems);
case 4:
case 64:
return ("Ruby node", CATEGORY.MineItems);
case 10:
case 68:
return ("Topaz node", CATEGORY.MineItems);
case 819:
return ("Omni geode node", CATEGORY.MineItems);
case 751:
case 849:
return ("Copper node", CATEGORY.MineItems);
case 764:
return ("Gold node", CATEGORY.MineItems);
case 765:
return ("Iridium node", CATEGORY.MineItems);
case 290:
case 850:
return ("Iron node", CATEGORY.MineItems);
return (null, CATEGORY.Others);
public static bool isMineDownLadderAtTile(int x, int y)
if (Game1.currentLocation is Mine or MineShaft)
int? index = null;
if (Game1.currentLocation.Map.GetLayer("Buildings").Tiles[x, y] != null)
index = Game1.currentLocation.Map.GetLayer("Buildings").Tiles[x, y].TileIndex;
if (index == 173 || index == 174)
return true;
catch (Exception) { }
return false;
public static bool isMineUpLadderAtTile(int x, int y)
if (Game1.currentLocation is Mine or MineShaft)
int? index = null;
if (Game1.currentLocation.Map.GetLayer("Buildings").Tiles[x, y] != null)
index = Game1.currentLocation.Map.GetLayer("Buildings").Tiles[x, y].TileIndex;
if (index == 115)
return true;
catch (Exception) { }
return false;
public static bool isElevatorAtTile(int x, int y)
if (Game1.currentLocation is Mine or MineShaft)
int? index = null;
if (Game1.currentLocation.Map.GetLayer("Buildings").Tiles[x, y] != null)
index = Game1.currentLocation.Map.GetLayer("Buildings").Tiles[x, y].TileIndex;
if (index == 112)
return true;
catch (Exception) { }
return false;
public static string? getDoorAtTile(int x, int y)
Point tilePoint = new Point(x, y);
StardewValley.Network.NetPointDictionary<string, Netcode.NetString> doorList = Game1.currentLocation.doors;
for (int i = 0; i < doorList.Count(); i++)
if (doorList.ContainsKey(tilePoint))
string? doorName;
doorList.TryGetValue(tilePoint, out doorName);
if (doorName != null)
return $"{doorName} door";
return "door";
return null;
public static string? getResourceClumpAtTile(int x, int y)
if (Game1.currentLocation is Woods)
return getStumpsInWoods(x, y);
for (int i = 0; i < Game1.currentLocation.resourceClumps.Count; i++)
if (Game1.currentLocation.resourceClumps[i].occupiesTile(x, y))
int index = Game1.currentLocation.resourceClumps[i].parentSheetIndex.Value;
switch (index)
case 600:
return "Large Stump";
case 602:
return "Hollow Log";
case 622:
return "Meteorite";
case 752:
case 754:
case 756:
case 758:
return "Mine Rock";
case 672:
return "Boulder";
return "Unknown";
return null;
public static string? getStumpsInWoods(int x, int y)
if (Game1.currentLocation is not Woods)
return null;
if ((x == 8 || x == 9) && y == 7)
return "Old Master Cannoli";
Netcode.NetObjectList<ResourceClump> stumps = ((Woods)Game1.currentLocation).stumps;
for (int i = 0; i < stumps.Count; i++)
if (stumps[i].occupiesTile(x, y))
return "Large Stump";
return null;
public static string? getParrotPerchAtTile(int x, int y)
if (Game1.currentLocation is not IslandLocation islandLocation)
return null;
foreach (var perch in islandLocation.parrotUpgradePerches)
if (!perch.tilePosition.Value.Equals(new Point(x, y)))
string toSpeak = $"Parrot required nuts {perch.requiredNuts.Value}";
if (!perch.IsAvailable())
return "Empty parrot perch";
else if (perch.currentState.Value == StardewValley.BellsAndWhistles.ParrotUpgradePerch.UpgradeState.Idle)
return toSpeak;
else if (perch.currentState.Value == StardewValley.BellsAndWhistles.ParrotUpgradePerch.UpgradeState.StartBuilding)
return "Parrots started building request";
else if (perch.currentState.Value == StardewValley.BellsAndWhistles.ParrotUpgradePerch.UpgradeState.Building)
return "Parrots building request";
else if (perch.currentState.Value == StardewValley.BellsAndWhistles.ParrotUpgradePerch.UpgradeState.Complete)
return $"Request Completed";
return toSpeak;
return null;
} |