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using StardewModdingAPI.Utilities;
namespace stardew_access
internal class ModConfig
// button key codes
#region Simulate mouse clicks
public KeybindList LeftClickMainKey { get; set; } = KeybindList.Parse("LeftControl + Enter"); // Primary key to simulate mouse left click
public KeybindList RightClickMainKey { get; set; } = KeybindList.Parse("LeftShift + Enter"); // Primary key to simulate mouse right click
public KeybindList LeftClickAlternateKey { get; set; } = KeybindList.Parse("OemOpenBrackets"); // Secondary key to simulate mouse left click
public KeybindList RightClickAlternateKey { get; set; } = KeybindList.Parse("OemCloseBrackets"); // Secondary key to simulate mouse right click
#region Chat menu
public KeybindList ChatMenuNextKey { get; set; } = KeybindList.Parse("PageUp"); // Read previous chat message
public KeybindList ChatMenuPreviousKey { get; set; } = KeybindList.Parse("PageDown"); // Read next chat message
#region Read tile
public Boolean ReadTile { get; set; } = true; // Toggle this feature.
public KeybindList ReadTileKey { get; set; } = KeybindList.Parse("J"); // Manually trigger read tile for the tile player is *looking at*.
public KeybindList ReadStandingTileKey { get; set; } = KeybindList.Parse("LeftAlt + J"); // Manually trigger read tile for the tile player is *standing on*.
public Boolean ReadFlooring { get; set; } = false; // Toggle reading floorings.
public Boolean WateredToggle { get; set; } = true; // Toggle speaking watered or unwatered for crops.
#region Tile viewer
public KeybindList TileCursorUpKey { get; set; } = KeybindList.Parse("Up"); // Move the cursor one tile up
public KeybindList TileCursorRightKey { get; set; } = KeybindList.Parse("Right"); // Move the cursor one tile right
public KeybindList TileCursorDownKey { get; set; } = KeybindList.Parse("Down"); // Move the cursor one tile down
public KeybindList TileCursorLeftKey { get; set; } = KeybindList.Parse("Left"); // Move the cursor one tile left
public KeybindList TileCursorPreciseUpKey { get; set; } = KeybindList.Parse("LeftShift + Up"); // Move the cursor up by precision i.e. pixel by pixel
public KeybindList TileCursorPreciseRightKey { get; set; } = KeybindList.Parse("LeftShift + Right"); // Move the cursor right by precision i.e. pixel by pixel
public KeybindList TileCursorPreciseDownKey { get; set; } = KeybindList.Parse("LeftShift + Down"); // Move the cursor down by precision i.e. pixel by pixel
public KeybindList TileCursorPreciseLeftKey { get; set; } = KeybindList.Parse("LeftShift + Left"); // Move the cursor left by precision i.e. pixel by pixel
public KeybindList ToggleRelativeCursorLockKey { get; set; } = KeybindList.Parse("L"); // Toggles realative cursor lock i.e. if enabled, the cursor will reset when player moves.
public KeybindList AutoWalkToTileKey { get; set; } = KeybindList.Parse("LeftControl + Enter"); // Auto walk to the tile
public bool LimitTileCursorToScreen { get; set; } = false; // #TODO add command for this // Toggle whether to prevent cursor from going out of screen.
public int TileCursorPreciseMovementDistance { get; set; } = 8; // Specifies the number of pixels the cursor should move when using precision movement i.e. with *left shift*.
#region Radar
public Boolean Radar { get; set; } = false;
public Boolean RadarStereoSound { get; set; } = true;
#region Menu Keys
public KeybindList PrimaryInfoKey { get; set; } = KeybindList.Parse("C");
// Character Creation menu (new game menu) keys
public KeybindList CharacterCreationMenuNextKey { get; set; } = KeybindList.Parse("Right");
public KeybindList CharacterCreationMenuPreviousKey { get; set; } = KeybindList.Parse("Left");
public KeybindList CharacterCreationMenuSliderIncreaseKey { get; set; } = KeybindList.Parse("Up");
public KeybindList CharacterCreationMenuSliderLargeIncreaseKey { get; set; } = KeybindList.Parse("PageUp");
public KeybindList CharacterCreationMenuSliderDecreaseKey { get; set; } = KeybindList.Parse("Down");
public KeybindList CharacterCreationMenuSliderLargeDecreaseKey { get; set; } = KeybindList.Parse("PageDown");
public KeybindList CharacterCreationMenuDesignToggleKey { get; set; } = KeybindList.Parse("LeftControl + Space");
// Bundle menu keys
public KeybindList BundleMenuIngredientsKey { get; set; } = KeybindList.Parse("I");
public KeybindList BundleMenuInventoryItemsKey { get; set; } = KeybindList.Parse("C");
public KeybindList BundleMenuPurchaseButtonKey { get; set; } = KeybindList.Parse("P");
public KeybindList BundleMenuIngredientsInputSlotKey { get; set; } = KeybindList.Parse("V");
public KeybindList BundleMenuBackButtonKey { get; set; } = KeybindList.Parse("Back");
// Menus with secondary inventory(shop inventory or chest inventory or crafting recipe list)
public KeybindList SnapToFirstInventorySlotKey { get; set; } = KeybindList.Parse("I");
public KeybindList SnapToFirstSecondaryInventorySlotKey { get; set; } = KeybindList.Parse("LeftShift + I");
// Crafting menu
public KeybindList CraftingMenuCycleThroughRecipiesKey { get; set; } = KeybindList.Parse("C");
#region Others
public KeybindList HealthNStaminaKey { get; set; } = KeybindList.Parse("H"); // Narrate health and stamina.
public bool HealthNStaminaInPercentage { get; set; } = true;
public KeybindList PositionKey { get; set; } = KeybindList.Parse("K"); // Narrate player position.
public KeybindList LocationKey { get; set; } = KeybindList.Parse("LeftAlt + K"); // Narrate current location name.
public KeybindList MoneyKey { get; set; } = KeybindList.Parse("R"); // Narrate the money the player has currently.
public KeybindList TimeNSeasonKey { get; set; } = KeybindList.Parse("Q"); // Narrate the time of day, day and date and season
public Boolean VerboseCoordinates { get; set; } = true;
public Boolean SnapMouse { get; set; } = true; // Toggles the snap mouse feature
public Boolean Warning { get; set; } = true; // Toggles the warnings feature
public Boolean TTS { get; set; } = true; // Toggles the screen reader/tts.
public Boolean TrackDroppedItems {get; set;} = true; // Toggles detecting the dropped items.
// TODO Add the exclusion and focus list too
// public String ExclusionList { get; set; } = "test";