local fs=love.filesystem group=object:extend() function group:addDirectory(directory) files=fs.getDirectoryItems(directory) for i,currentfile in ipairs(files) do fullpath=directory .."/" ..currentfile if not fs.isDirectory(fullpath) and not (currentfile:sub(1,1)==".") then if fs.getInfo(fullpath, file) then nameOnly=string.match(currentfile, "%P+") --%P matches all non punctuation characters sound=love.audio.newSource(fullpath, "static") if sound:typeOf("Source") then --print("Loaded " .. nameOnly) -- if sound:getChannelCount()==1 then sound:setRelative(true) end self[nameOnly]=sound -- self.sounds[nameOnly] =sound end --if is a sound end --if it's a file end -- if it's not a dot end --for end --addDirectory function group:new(directory) -- self.sounds={} self:addDirectory(directory) end function group:setEffect(effect) --print("setting effects on group") for i,currentsource in pairs(self) do if currentsource.typeOf~=nil and currentsource:typeOf("Source") then if currentsource:setEffect(effect) then --print("effect set on " ..i) else print("failed to set effect on " ..i) end end --if it's a source end --for loop end --setEffect function