diff --git a/stardew-access/Features/ReadTile.cs b/stardew-access/Features/ReadTile.cs
index 56446aa..acf3117 100644
--- a/stardew-access/Features/ReadTile.cs
+++ b/stardew-access/Features/ReadTile.cs
@@ -98,6 +98,12 @@ namespace stardew_access.Features
return (tileDetail.name, tileDetail.category.ToString());
+ ///Returns the name of the object at tile
+ public static string? getNameAtTile(Vector2 tile)
+ {
+ return getNameWithCategoryAtTile(tile).name;
+ }
///Returns the name of the object at tile alongwith it's category
public static (string? name, CATEGORY? category) getNameWithCategoryAtTile(Vector2 tile)
@@ -197,83 +203,6 @@ namespace stardew_access.Features
return (toReturn, category);
- ///Returns the name of the object at tile
- public static string? getNameAtTile(Vector2 tile)
- {
- int x = (int)tile.X;
- int y = (int)tile.Y;
- string? toReturn = "";
- bool isColliding = isCollidingAtTile(x, y);
- Dictionary> terrainFeature = Game1.currentLocation.terrainFeatures.FieldDict;
- string? door = getDoorAtTile(x, y);
- (CATEGORY? category, string? name) tileInfo = getTileInfo(x, y);
- string? junimoBundle = getJunimoBundleAt(x, y);
- string? resourceClump = getResourceClumpAtTile(x, y);
- string? farmAnimal = getFarmAnimalAt(Game1.currentLocation, x, y);
- if (Game1.currentLocation.isCharacterAtTile(tile) != null)
- {
- NPC npc = Game1.currentLocation.isCharacterAtTile(tile);
- toReturn = npc.displayName;
- }
- else if (farmAnimal != null)
- {
- toReturn = farmAnimal;
- }
- else if (Game1.currentLocation.isWaterTile(x, y) && isColliding)
- {
- toReturn = "Water";
- }
- else if (Game1.currentLocation.isObjectAtTile(x, y))
- {
- toReturn = getObjectAtTile(x, y).name;
- }
- else if (terrainFeature.ContainsKey(tile))
- {
- string? terrain = getTerrainFeatureAtTile(terrainFeature[tile]).Item1;
- if (terrain != null)
- toReturn = terrain;
- }
- else if (Game1.currentLocation.getLargeTerrainFeatureAt(x, y) != null)
- {
- toReturn = getBushAtTile(x, y);
- }
- else if (resourceClump != null)
- {
- toReturn = resourceClump;
- }
- else if (door != null)
- {
- toReturn = door;
- }
- else if (isMineDownLadderAtTile(x, y))
- {
- toReturn = "Ladder";
- }
- else if (isMineUpLadderAtTile(x, y))
- {
- toReturn = "Up Ladder";
- }
- else if (isElevatorAtTile(x, y))
- {
- toReturn = "Elevator";
- }
- else if (tileInfo.name != null)
- {
- toReturn = tileInfo.name;
- }
- else if (junimoBundle != null)
- {
- toReturn = junimoBundle;
- }
- if (toReturn == "")
- return null;
- return toReturn;
- }
public static string? getBushAtTile(int x, int y)
string? toReturn = null;