/** * Copyright (C) 2016 Maxime Petazzoni . * All rights reserved. */ export default class SSE { public INITIALIZING = -1; public CONNECTING = 0; public OPEN = 1; public CLOSED = 2; public headers = this.options.headers || {}; public payload = this.options.payload !== undefined ? this.options.payload : ''; public method = this.options.method ? this.options.method : (this.payload ? 'POST' : 'GET'); public withCredentials = !!this.options.withCredentials; public FIELD_SEPARATOR = ':'; public listeners: any = {}; public xhr: any = null; public readyState = this.INITIALIZING; public progress = 0; public chunk = ''; public constructor(public url: string, public options: any) {} public addEventListener = (type: string, listener: any) => { if (this.listeners[type] === undefined) { this.listeners[type] = []; } if (this.listeners[type].indexOf(listener) === -1) { this.listeners[type].push(listener); } }; public removeEventListener = (type: string, listener: any) => { if (this.listeners[type] === undefined) { return; } var filtered: any[] = []; this.listeners[type].forEach((element: any) => { if (element !== listener) { filtered.push(element); } }); if (filtered.length === 0) { delete this.listeners[type]; } else { this.listeners[type] = filtered; } }; public dispatchEvent = (e: any) => { if (!e) { return true; } e.source = this; var onHandler = 'on' + e.type; if (this.hasOwnProperty(onHandler)) { // @ts-ignore this[onHandler].call(this, e); if (e.defaultPrevented) { return false; } } if (this.listeners[e.type]) { return this.listeners[e.type].every((callback: (arg0: any) => void) => { callback(e); return !e.defaultPrevented; }); } return true; }; public _setReadyState = (state: number) => { var event = new CustomEvent('readystatechange'); // @ts-ignore event.readyState = state; this.readyState = state; this.dispatchEvent(event); }; public _onStreamFailure = (e: { currentTarget: { response: any; }; }) => { var event = new CustomEvent('error'); // @ts-ignore event.data = e.currentTarget.response; this.dispatchEvent(event); this.close(); } public _onStreamAbort = (e: any) => { this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('abort')); this.close(); } public _onStreamProgress = (e: any) => { if (!this.xhr) { return; } if (this.xhr.status !== 200) { this._onStreamFailure(e); return; } if (this.readyState === this.CONNECTING) { this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('open')); this._setReadyState(this.OPEN); } var data = this.xhr.responseText.substring(this.progress); this.progress += data.length; data.split(/(\r\n|\r|\n){2}/g).forEach((part: string) => { if (part.trim().length === 0) { this.dispatchEvent(this._parseEventChunk(this.chunk.trim())); this.chunk = ''; } else { this.chunk += part; } }); }; public _onStreamLoaded = (e: any) => { this._onStreamProgress(e); // Parse the last chunk. this.dispatchEvent(this._parseEventChunk(this.chunk)); this.chunk = ''; }; /** * Parse a received SSE event chunk into a constructed event object. */ public _parseEventChunk = (chunk: string) => { if (!chunk || chunk.length === 0) { return null; } var e: any = { 'id': null, 'retry': null, 'data': '', 'event': 'message' }; chunk.split(/\n|\r\n|\r/).forEach((line: string) => { line = line.trimRight(); var index = line.indexOf(this.FIELD_SEPARATOR); if (index <= 0) { // Line was either empty, or started with a separator and is a comment. // Either way, ignore. return; } var field = line.substring(0, index); if (!(field in e)) { return; } var value = line.substring(index + 1).trimLeft(); if (field === 'data') { e[field] += value; } else { e[field] = value; } }); var event: any = new CustomEvent(e.event); event.data = e.data; event.id = e.id; return event; }; public _checkStreamClosed = () => { if (!this.xhr) { return; } if (this.xhr.readyState === XMLHttpRequest.DONE) { this._setReadyState(this.CLOSED); } }; public stream = () => { this._setReadyState(this.CONNECTING); this.xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); this.xhr.addEventListener('progress', this._onStreamProgress); this.xhr.addEventListener('load', this._onStreamLoaded); this.xhr.addEventListener('readystatechange', this._checkStreamClosed); this.xhr.addEventListener('error', this._onStreamFailure); this.xhr.addEventListener('abort', this._onStreamAbort); this.xhr.open(this.method, this.url); for (var header in this.headers) { this.xhr.setRequestHeader(header, this.headers[header]); } this.xhr.withCredentials = this.withCredentials; this.xhr.send(this.payload); }; public close = () => { if (this.readyState === this.CLOSED) { return; } try { this.xhr.abort(); this.xhr = null; this._setReadyState(this.CLOSED); } catch (e) { console.error(e); } }; };